Hey guys!
Have you ever thought about becoming popular on Steemit?
Yeah? You have?
Well -- good!
I'm going to give you some tips on how to do that, because I'm soooooooo popular on Steemit.

So, first off -- tell me if you've heard this lately:
"Hi! I'm a Steemit newbie! How do I become popular on Steemit/how do I get followers/how do I attract the attention of whales?
Well, I'm going to give you this "weird trick" that I've used to gain followers on Steemit and become popular.
How to gain followers and be popular!
The answer is actually really simple. Are you ready for the super secret tip? I sure hope so, because here it comes...
And comment authentically.
That's basically it.
No joke -- if you read the content of others and leave thoughtful comments (some might call this "being part of an authentic community), you will gain so many interested and interesting followers that you won't know what to do with them all.
Here is the 6 Plan
- Go to the "hot" tab.
- Find posts that are interesting to you.
- READ them
- Upvote them
- Leave relevant comments
And that's it. Do just that and you will gain followers like you wouldn't believe.
Don't even worry about posting blogs
Not for about a week.
resteems, you should just focus on upvoting and commentingAside from your #introduceyourself post and a few quality
Try to make your comments as beneficial, edifying, helpful, and optimistic as possible, and you will find your follower numbers growing like crazy.
When you have a good and authentic following, you'll find that all of your posts get a good number of upvotes, and you'll earn a pretty nice income per post compared to if you post 10 times a day and pray that one of them trends.
Troll the #introduceyourself tag
New people are looking for friends.
At least they should be.

And now, with HardFork19, these minnows are more influential than ever.
So check out all of the #introduceyourself or #introduction posts. Find new people. Leave a comment that shows that you actually read their post (aka: say something about them), and your follower numbers will shoot to the moon.
You'll also gain a lot of interesting friends.

Don't beg for people to follow you in the comments.
The best you'll get is a following of people who are only interested in their own follow numbers and won't even see or upvote your posts; the worst you'll get is flagged for spam and/or muted by whales who would otherwise help you out.
So DO NOT post anything that looks even remotely like this:
Wow! Great post. I followed you, follow me back.
Do NOT do this.
It shows that you didn't read the post you're replying to. It shows that you're not interested in building authentic relationships. It shows that you're trying to abuse the system for your own selfish benefit.
When you care about Steemit, Steemit will care about you
It's as simple as that.
If you post on this platform like a human being, and treat others like human beings, you will be rewarded.
You will become popular.
You will get upvoted and resteemed.
All your dreams will come true.

Do you have any questions?
Feel free to ask.
I'll do my best to reply to your questions :D
Great advice. And lo & behold, it's actually fun to read other peoples' stuff and take a genuine interst in their thoughts and interact with them! Ha, who knew, right?! Lol! And I love the "Mean Girls" pic reference. Definitely got my attention even more to click & read this.
Go figure, huh?
Lol using the site as it was intended is advantageous.
OMG, that idea is just so FETCH! lol

Great content!! Love the message!! Plz follow me and love my content!!
Thank you for this tips. I am totally agree with you. I just want to add that the quality of post is also important.
Nice post
hahahaha just kidding 😘😘😘@shayne please follow me..
This Banner is Clickable :)
Hi !
This is an automatic message.
According to SteemData, you have now used #introduceyourself 47 times.
once. Please consider other, appropriate tags.You might not be aware of this, but #introduceyourself is mainly used by new accounts, to introduce themselves
How do I stop these comments from you? I'm not abusing the tag, which you would know if you were a person and not a bot.
You are making it harder to find newbies, when you use this tag.
If you want to point to the category you could just use this link:
Or use it like this:
.There is no need to tag introduceyourself to get your message across.
Good tips on gaining followers, I certainly found more feedback/followers with commenting than blogging, when you start it is hard to get blogs noticed as they don't have any power associated with them, as you build followers more and more people will begin to notice the content, and it sort of snowballs from there (as far as I can tell). Cheers
Being a newbie i was wondering that :D Thanks for info, i still need lot to learn
this is me taking your advice
The only way to become popular on Steemit is to have money, because when you have money your upvotes do more, more people follow you because they think and HOPE that somewhere along the way, you MIGHT upvote their comment and spread the wealth around.
it has nothing to do with content, people follow other people who have tons of followers and money in their wallets, because they know, at some point, that person will post, and hundreds of people will vote up that post
ive seen some of the most genuine and useful comments on things that people have posted and they never get a cent, the people who do get $1,100 for posting something? are the people who already have nearly $100,000 in their wallet and whos upvotes are $30+
its not a rant, just the mathematical truth, people will follow you instantly when you have money that might one day rain upon them , good content or not
I follow for content 💛
The money helps a lot. I wouldn't deny that. However, it's possible to come up from the bottom with 0 investment, as well. I'm not sure how high one can go this way, but I'm certainly willing to test it :)
I'm testing it right now, no follow 4 follow spamming etc. It's ofc not as fast as begging or having lots of money to upvote/promote your own content but it seems like its going in the right direction at a steady pace.
Started out a little over one week ago and already have 28 followers. Even at this pace, I'll have quite the network in due time :) Just like there is no "get rich quick" scheme that works, you can't just expect to write one good post and become steem-famous over night.
Seems this is the most worthwhile platform I've ever joined, excited about the future :)
Commenting has been the best for me.
Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @kakalinka ♥
A comment that shows that a person has actually looked at my post often makes me take a look at their profile. I sure helps if they upvote my post too!!!
I will resteem your post to get the useful information to more people :)@shayne, this is a really helpful information for new and more seasoned users too.
That's the part that people really needs to understand.
Yes, and loyalty is nice too!
Welcome to Steemit Shayne:)Glad to see more people like you - here joining Steemit! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunfarang
I'm new, and kinda figured this out as I went along, but it is a nice confirmation to see from an established blogger. I have come across a lot of "follow beggars", and at first I thought it was the norm. Even possibly legit. I have learned better now, but still encounter it constantly. This post needs to be heard!
Lol at all the bots follow begging this post!
Lol no doubt!
Nice write up and thoughtful one! Provide value to the community ultimately it will get back to you! :) :)
I want to joke sooo bad but I see you have a lot of people already doing that. Also, one person mention having money. I do think that adding money can have potential to growing things faster. I promoted a few of my posts but realized it's not worth it as I am still quite small. Any whoo, you live and you learn, you might want to talk about the promotion button in the future.
I actually did that intuitively and it earned me more than 50 followers in 10 days, not much but not bad either and comments brought me profit of about 150$
Great post and done with style and aplomb! well done, you!
follow you
Who'd have thought interacting with other people and showing interest in what they're writing would help on a social platform?
Seriously tho, nice post, its easy to just focus on creating and nothing else.
Thanks for the helpful info....it's in a great category too. Following.
Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now
Welcome to steemit !! Enjoy this beautiful world! Followed. Follow me back 😘
By now, I've read probably 376 of these helpful newbie posts and yours is the only one I connect with. It's funny how we forget to be "social" in social media. What better way to build community than authentically interacting with people! Thanks for the advice Shane... now off to create my introduce yourself post!