Yes, it's sad to see all these personal vendettas being carried out with flagging and bots...
But that's a problem with the game rules and not a problem with flagging as a tool. There are many legitimate uses for a "downvote"!
The problem in these quarrels lies in 2 aspects (imho):
- power distribution and the idea of a trickle down economy
- the way the site handles reputation and post visibility
those are systemic issues that need to be discussed.
But that's nothing @sherlockholmes will pay much attention to, I am looking for genuine scammers and cheaters!
replacing flags with just "mute" will save everyone from vendettas =)
Just think about it
spam will still remain invisible after muting
no user can be downvoted till zero
there's already system of stimulation running, what's the point of penalty system? if user gets no upvotes, any spammer will eventually stop, am I right?
Spam in long-term, has only one point - to earn. In short term - just to annoy someone.
I do not agree!
Muted users can essentially continue doing their thing "invisibly". They will continue to abuse the reward pool, extracting money from the platform!
To stop illegitimate value extraction, flags are necessary!
The meaning of "illegitimate" may be up to dispute, and maybe subjective, but flags are a defense mechanism!
'edit': see my latest case for reference!
what will stop army of bots then?
50? 100? 500 bots come and flag you for 1%
and your post is doomed =)
this again is a problem in power distribution, not flagging as such!
slaves will always be slaves. Even if they build their own country, they still establish prisons and police for themselves =)
You know why Moses wandered in desert for 40 years? he was just waiting till slaves die and only truly free people are born and grow up