2000 Followers Milestone and Giveaway

in #steemit7 years ago


Dear friends and followers,

I just noticed, that I reached the milestone of 2000 followers a few hours ago.

While I realize, that maybe only 10% of these accounts are actively reading and commenting my posts, this is still a great achivement.

Here are some statistics, which I took from the Steemitboard made by @arcange:


It took me about 18 month to get 2000 followers, which means, that I got an average of 111.11 new followers every month and 3.7 followers a day.

While I wrote 10 times as much comments as I wrote posts, I upvoted nearly half as much posts and comments (22,000), as I received upvotes in total (50,000). I also wrote about 1000 more comments, than I received.

I attended Steemfest 1&2, managed to write a post 17 times for every day of a week and 2 times for every day of a month. But it was only 4 times, that I wrote 4 posts (or more) a day.


To celebrate this achievement, I'm giving away some Steem/Steemit swag and an original drawing, I did at Steemfest 2.

To enter the giveaway, you must be following me already (will check that) and write a short comment, that you want to get the things.


I will choose one random comment writer after the payout and send him/her all of the above. Therefore you must be willing to provide me a shipping address, in case you're the lucky winner.

Good luck with the giveaway and 2000 thanks to every one of you!

Steem on!

@shortcut - creativity & more

creativity is based on freedom


I'd love to see more of your art in the future!
Keep it up :-)Congratulations @shortcut! Good to see how this free work you do can actually pay off!

Thanks a lot @skkinz, I promise to continously present some new artworks. I'm just also very busy in engaging and building this community ;-) I'm glad, you and @gaja-galina are part of it :-)

Wow your stats are amazing. I checked mine, I think I am at about 1/7th of your achievements!

What you do for our platform is simply amazing. You deserved the 50,000 Upvotes :-D

Haha, thank you @roused! I'm doing my best, but I guess a certain part of these votes came from trails. Nevertheless, I'm very happy, to have found my audience and got to know you ;-)

I will also try my luck!

Cool! You're in the drawing. Good luck!

Hey @shortcut, ich würde gerne gewinnen;) Aber unabhängig davon: Ich habe eine Idee für ein Steemit Projekt das unheimlich groß werden wird, natürlich;). Ich habe dazu eine Druckfirma gewonnen, die z.B. Karten für Rammstein Konzerte druckt und designed. Für dieses Projekt brauche ich außerdem noch einen Künstler, der (wie du) hier schon ein Netzwerk hat. Glückwunsch übrigens zu deinen großartigen Ergebnissen bisher! Hättest du Interesse? Ich könnte dir bei nem Kaffee meine Idee erläutern, wir können ein bisschen darauf herumspinnen und du kannst am Ende sagen ob das was für dich ist oder nicht. Was sagst du?

Ja klar habe ich Interesse! Klingt ja echt spannend :-) Details klären wir am Besten im Discord per PM.
Und Danke für dein Interesse an meiner kleinen Verlosung. Du bist natürlich dabei ;-)


Thanks Mikko! Are you in for the giveaway?

O yeah, sign me up.

Great! Good luck then :-)

Hey @shortcut, gratuliere zu den 2000 und weiter so!! Freue mich auf das nächste Treffen. In Aachen wird es am 9.3. eines geben. Der Post dazu kommt heute!

Vielen Dank @detlev - Hab‘s gesehen und versuche vorbeizukommen ;-)

Wenn auch etwas verspätet: Von mir auch Glückwünsche zum 2000sten! Ich bin froh, einer davon zu sein. ;)
Für einen original "Shortcut" bin ich immer zu haben, stelle also meine Kandidatur für die Ziehung.

Hey, vielen Dank für die Glückwünsche und viel Glück bei der Ziehung!
Du bist dabei :-)

Awesome man, congratulations to this great milestone.
Keep up your good work here :)

Thanks a lot! Much success for you, too ;-)

Herzlichen Glückwunsch mein Lieber, hast du mehr als Verdient!

Hoff wir treffen uns bald mal wieder, dann stossen wir darauf an!

Danke, danke! Das machen wir :-)
Vielleicht klappt es ja in Aachen, mal sehen.

@shortcut You are one of the most kind people I have met here in 6 weeks of time. I wanted to personally congratulate you on this BIG milestone!! 💥

I love how you included the great statistics !

I am not partaking in your give-away, purely since I think there are people way more deserving of those that are with you a lot longer then me. Also you have done quite a bit for me already with tips, and showing-arounds. 😊

Promise me you will do more artwork to get the next 2000 followers?!


I really love to help new users and show them around, because I think, that it will pay of 2000 times.
And I will certainly do a lot more art auctions and some giveaways along the road to my next milestone.
Cheers :-)Thanks a lot for your kind words, @thi-js !

Wow thats great. Any tips for a photographer starting out on steemit (have been here for 6 weeks)?

As far as I can tell, you’re doing pretty good here having > 500 followers in just 6 weeks and some decent upvotes. Just keep doing what you do and try to engage with other photographers. Some people also like doing contests and collaborations. Maybe you should have a look at the profile of @juliank for some inspiration or get in contact with @thi-js, who is also a great photographer and made some huge steps here recently.

Thanks. I have been having a chat with @thi-js ; his stuff is excellent.

Dude, I'm just commenting to let you knwo im a recent follower! It is hard to follow everyone's feed, I agree, but will try to kepp up to date with your output - have fun and congrats on 2k

Thanks Andras! I saw that @katharsisdrill resteemed your introduction post and I followed you back right now. Happy to connect :-)

Yep yep - I'm still learning the ropes, but will try to keep up! Cheers!

Gratulation @shortcut ... bekunde hiermit mal mein Interesse an der Verlosung :) Lg

Ah, vielen Dank! Wünsche dir viel Glück bei der Verlosung!

Wow i want to specially say a very big congratulations to you @shortcut i must admit am a fan. Congrats on your new achievement on this platform and many more followers to come.

Thanks for your wishes! I'm happy to read, that you like my blog :-)

Congrats and keep on growing your followers number)

Thanks a lot! Will hopefully do :-)

Gratulation an Dich, @shortcut... dein Art-work würde ich schon gern nehmen wollen :)

Lieben Gruß

Danke dir, das freut mich!
Du bist bei der Ziehung dabei.
Viel Glück!

cool... dann auf deine nächsten 2k follower :)


firstly, congratulation for your acheivement. it long and hardway on 18 months of your etire journey. two steem logo is beautiful.

Thanks a lot! Do you want to be in the drawing for the giveaway?

i am not expert in drawing, but let try how can i perform here!

Haha, I meant the lottery raffle, when talking about drawing ;-)

Wohooo !!! Congratulation @shortcut on achieving 2K+ followers this is simply amazing and wonderful to know you deserve it too you keep amazing us with your awesome art works and post's well this is just a beginning many more to come ...Just keep on going and keep amazing us inspiring us and most importantly keep smiling

Steem on Congratulations once again Cheers.

M1nEp7h (1).gif

Thanks a lot, will do my best to keep you all entertained :-)

Congratulations happy to be one of your follower during this journey :)

Thank you for being with me ;-)

Congratulations for achieving this milestone, it is fabulous number.
Stat from Steemit Board is also admirable.

Thank you :-)

Great achievement. Congratulations for 2000. 👍

Thanks a lot :-)

Cheers mate☺ to 2000 more.

Thanks :-)

very nice good information steemit

@ shortcut your blog is beautiful

your blog is beautiful

very nice steemit post good information thanks friend

I can't draw 😖😖😖. Congratulations on getting 2000followers wish to get there someday

Everybody can draw. Just do it :-)

Ok I will try