And granted, if I or any of the other authors on the list were to slack off, take the opportunity for granted, and start posting absolute shit - we would no doubt, fairly, get removed from the bot list.I haven't yet talked to @steemed or the other "whales" using bots, so don't know the details of how their algorithms are setup. But not all my posts get the bots' votes. There are more detailed criteria to be met for a post to be upvoted than just an author being on the bot list.
No offence, though i suppose youll take offense, but yes. Most of the "bot bait" authors posts are very low quality, including this one, and many of your other posts. Most of your posts read like get rich quick informercials. And youre not even close to the only one. Maybe it was different at one time, but when someone gets paid thousands of dollars for every single post, regardless of quality, it stands to reason that theyll continue to post low quality content even when they have nothing substantive to say. This phenomena is called a liquidity trap.
Your point seems to be that you and these other "chosen" authors are better and smarter than the rest of us, and bring more value to the site. Fair enough, but i seriously doubt you could find any objective third party that would look at the quality of posts from them and see anything special, on average.
Some posters paid by bots don't even post original work, they made thousands reposting other peoples copyrighted pictures. A few have been exposed as catfish. More are C+P spammers.
At the end of the day, your logic is circular. You claim that these individuals have chosen to pay you all this money because of the quality of the content you bring. Yet the only evidence you cite to support that conclusion is that they choose to pay you.
and yes, looks like every single post of yours gets upvoted by the same people, but you already knew that.
links to the posts that were NOT upvoted by the bots provided in response to your request for them in the other comment.