To be honest, i think it would be far easier to create a "light" steemit, where NSFW is just completely hidden, rather than create a dark steemit and turn the current regular steemit into "light" steemit.
if that makes any sense.
To be honest, i think it would be far easier to create a "light" steemit, where NSFW is just completely hidden, rather than create a dark steemit and turn the current regular steemit into "light" steemit.
if that makes any sense.
You mean creating a safe space?
I suppose so (though i despise the term). I guess my point is that right now, good, bad or indifferent, is the one and only way to access content on the steem blockchain.
That being the case, I think it should include as much content as possible. As much as possible (while still maintaining mainstream appeal) steemit should be the "anything goes" site, and if there is a need for a site that excludes specific types of content, that should be the new site we create.
I don't know who the "we" is.
But maybe a solution would be that, the safe spacers, would create a whole different platform themselves.