With over 30 months of Steeming we now go onward into month 34 I have no plans or want to be quitting on Steemit anytime soon.
Last month I was late with the monthly post due to visiting my father and this month it's been mostly due to work not giving me the opportunity with awkward shift times and alot of more added stress than usual.
I want to mention that I know there is a lack of posts coming from myself but before you think I have given-up on Steemit or got bored/lazy that's actually very far from the truth.
I'am actually spending alot more time instead behind the scenes being more active with communities on the Steem Blockchain which infact rewards me for my efforts so don't worry too much about this ship and "our growth" it still very much continues sailing in the upward direction I hope you can see that as we have not long ago reached dolphin.
My hope is that this is a better way for at the moment to continue our growth especially with these lower Steem prices and the almost non-existent whale votes plus the low curation reward.
This is still a slow growth rate but unfortunately seems to be a safer option to keep growing at the moment, the continued future goal of giving back more is on but none of this can be done without your support by first helping us grow.
But saying that in the coming months you may see more content from me again as the new Steem rewards curve could make it more worth while again.
This month I feel we have done good and honestly it's not often I have this feeling as normally not much changes but with the Steem price dropping even more I hope this will give us a slight boost, if this is not noticeable this month then perhaps next month we will see a even better result.
Anyway I hope you will all play along with me on here, you should have in mind some kind of goal for this year, hopefully a Steem related goal, even if it's something small that u'd like to achieve on the blockchain as it helps you stay focused.
If you didn't know yet, my big Steemit.com goal for the year was to reach dolphin.
Well that was achieved in month 30 which I was very happy about as it was a goal I had from a very early stage's since I first started here on Steemit.com.
While I still have some payment related goals I would like to achieve this year, other users have said that I should set sail to becoming a Orca but I feel that is too much of a far-fetched goal for me right now.
But I did set myself on becoming a double dolphin which is indeed also a large goal, that was then.. I have changed my mind again, instead we are going to change our route...instead I will now be aiming for the next dolphin badge, which requires 7500 SP but also I hope to reach 6000 SP this year, and I hope you will join me on this journey onward into the crypto future of things.
7500 SP
WE CAN DO THIS! And I appreciate all of you who have helped us get this far.
And so... our course as been set! Now let's GO!

Images By: @simonjay
Over 2 years on Steemit.com the price as been low for months but I of course have no plans on quitting any time soon.

Images By: @simonjay
So much as happened since I first joined Steemit.com I remember back in November 2017 "and will never forget" the amazing experience that was Steemfest 2 ( thanks to @roelandp for putting this together)
In April I was at the London Cryptocurrency show which had around 50 Steemians attending, and there was also some great speakers representing Steem in the UK.In December I went to a Steemit supper club hosted by @allasyummyfood unfortunately I couldn't attend the other supper club's but in February I got invited to attend a Steemit meeting in London hosted by @redrica, @ultravioletmag and @teodora it was definitely one of the best meetings I went to, the music was loud at times but that didn't stop us getting to know each other (but many of us did lose our voice's the following day lol)
I didn't get the chance to go to Cyprus, Vegas, Indonesian, Korea nor many the other big Steembased events as this was down to not being able to get either the time off work or because of the required funds for such things, mostly the later.
I did manage to attend Steemfest3 which seemed to attract alot more developers than content creators or bloggers some of the ones who did attend did mention the atmosphere being different this time around.
And with all this I managed to get enough SP to finally reach Dolphin in 2019 on March 22th.
Also back in 2018 from day one Steem and SBD's were erupting and going record breaking crazy, this was a huge shock to many experts and newbies alike it was one amazing start to the year, the price then settled abit but still in-between its "settled high's" we saw Steem at around the $3 mark.
Steem as been much lower these days due the Bitcoin fall, it took Steem down a path of survival with Steem INC even being forced to lose %70 of its staff and the site itself was in danger of closure, but I'm happy to report that we are of course no longer in such a survival mode.
The recent price drops have indeed shocked many who were not expecting to see Steem nor Bitcoin go this low ever again but on the other hand its giving those interested in Steem a great opportunity to buy into what the whales were previously holding and so I say its the time for opportunity not gloom.
Moving Forward With New Hope And Opportunity!

Images By: @simonjay

Images By: @simonjay
At The London Cryptocurrency Show
It maybe 2019 but I still had so much to write about from the things that took place back at the Steemfest events and some of the other Steemian gathering's.
For me I didn't get the time needed to write as I also got a back-log of content I wanted to write about and not only that but I also have the job to deal with which often get's in the way of Steem related things.
But I think now the even bigger problem is how many mid level accounts just don't get much support for their content, that is yes regardless of how good their content is and when I say mid level accounts I'am talking about minnow's who no longer qualify for curation support.
It's all a shame really as we need more stronger mid level accounts to help support each other as many of these accounts regardless of what you have been told also struggle to grow.
Anyway doing these monthly report's often help's me stay in check, plus I have heard from you guys that the data can be useful to newbies on getting a better idea on what to expect from the Steemit.com platform.
But before going into month 34 and its results "This" especially for the newbies can be helpful, let me show you a very quick recap of my 2 Steemit.com years.
Month 1 📅
Month 11-12 📅
And there you have it 12 months of Steeming earned me....
2.784 Power
And a reputation of 64.1
Year 2 📅
Yes I realise these aren't the most amazing results that you were probably expecting, but for someone who didn't bring in a previous fan base or was aided by any of the whale's nor part of any inner circle I guess these aren't bad results.
They definitely aren't the best results, but they also aren't anywhere near the worst.
Ok so now you have seen my results of 2 full years on Steemit.com and what you can realistically expected from someone in my situation.
Now we move on and focus with this month's results.
📅 Month 34 - 19/5/2019 the results are..
Ok, oh wow so I got it this month right about the whole"feeling good" thing I had, we did indeed do well it's been proven, as this is one of the best months I have had in a very long time I could almost say it's a record breaker. I say "almost" because if you have followed me for a good while you will know my most successful post made me a crazy 271 Steem Power alone making it easily one of my best months as I was able to gather a little more after that post but this was back in the good days of Steemit and so if we discount that period this is the best month in SP so far since that period and something I want to point out is this as happend since the price of Steem as been going lower which I hope proves how great the lower price of Steem can be for building-up your account.
When in comes to follower's please remember there was a error, it showed I had a total of 2600 followers 5 months ago.
It should of been 2560 followers, the five must of gone missing lol.
So there was no sudden loss of people, instead we gained another 9 that month and this time managed double digits again by adding another 10.
For reputation, its great to be getting slowly closer to the mighty 70 but still a very long road-up ahead. It got better last month as we finally managed 67 rep, and it was strange to as for 2 months we have managed to go up 2 notches instead of the usual 1, not sure how this happened but it's thanks to those of you who have voted.
I did mention 3 months ago it seemed rep was going up a little faster guess we caught up with the extra SP perhaps helping this cause regardless very happy thank you guys.
Other STATS 📊
Apparently there are around 1,293,000 Steemit.com users and so out of all those users the last time I checked my own ranking as a "Steem Stake Power Holder", I am around #2572 which for me I am very happy with, its not the highest I have managed, my best result was #2225 but I hope to one day to reclaim that spot again.
I say happy but I'am in one way disappointed and slightly surprised that in this month being one of my highest for earning SP that I have actually gone down in the ranking...! Lol sure it's not by much but considering I have been going up almost 50 places the past 3 month's I expected to go up slightly higher, still the good news is this just proves even with Steem going down people are buying alot and the wealth is spreading.
Highest Steemit Earnings Score? 👊
I had a post that made me just over $50 the first month I signed on, and that's when I saw it! The Steemit.com potential!
But would you believe I never beat that reward record for a whole year! Yes that's right meaning it was only on month 13 that I finally beat my score from all the way back in month 1, how insane is that!?
While it sounds insane you must remember that the price of Steem during month 1 for me was over $4.00 !! Which was only surpassed on January 2018 when Steem was over $7.00! Anyway my new high score to beat is $94.00 which was from month 13.
Steem Power 👊
My most successful Steem Power post was actually back in month 7 when I had one post which made me 271 power!
My highest post so far on votes? 👨
The most amount of votes I managed on a single post so far was 213, but that post only made me $8.60.

Followers 👪👪👪👪
When it comes to followers.. sorry but the "Dead Followers" type of a tool that I used does not work anymore, I'am not sure why having such a thing seems to be so difficult here I have now used 4 different tools which have all had their own problems and then eventually fully stopped working. So please if anybody knows of tool that works please let me know in the comments section below.
If you are still here and active don't forget to give me a upvote and let me know you are still alive and well in the comments section below, as you might be missing out on upvotes from myself as I might check out your blog and upvote you back.
Speaking of followers we have the "2500 followers badge" which required me to gain 500 new followers, it was the hardest followers challenge so far but now the target is set to having 3750! Wowsers! And that means I need to gain another 1250 extra followers!
To my active but also supportive followers I want to thank you all for your support so far, as of course remember that the more power and weight you can add for me with your upvotes the more I can give back to the community when I upvote you back, check out the wizard's badge for my curation level below, also your upvoted Steem power gets locked when you vote for me as I "NEVER" yet powered down once since I started here on Steemit.com over 2 years ago!
The locked Steem of course helps the price of Steem rise up but to also to give you a idea on how much I have voted for I have done over 65,500 upvotes!
Which puts me in the TOP 500 of users who as voted on your posts.
So what are you waiting for? Vote now and lock-up some SP for a better Steem future.
I also want to thank you guys for helping me get to SteemFest2 last year and those who supported me for Steemfest3, I still owe abit of money back for the trips but I will get there eventually.
Closing Last Notes

Please don't think your votes aren't worth anything or don't count because they really really do.
Another thing I will add is please vote more on those who are actually active on Steemit.com, too often I see auto-votes on people who are rarely active, or to those who don't vote on anybody else's post or even rarely communicate's with others.
I believe we need a strong number of dolphins as there are too many in power who just vote for their own rich inner circles or who are not even actively voting, but yet I see many supporting them, if you want to support those higher then give the dolphins a helping hand as they are more likely to vote back and shape the future for a more fair share of rewards.
The downfall is the powerful circle jerking when it comes to votes, not enough whales are voting on the minnows or dolphins, creating a predictable rewards distribution.
This could be fixed probably with talks of changing the the rewards curve in future along with the use of SMT's but changing the rewards curve could also have many negative repercussions on those who are empowering themselves giving value to holding Steem.
Also realise that we no longer have that many active whales voting, this is because they are using less time consuming ways of using-up their SP, making Steemit.com a more developers support type of a website plus we had too many Steemians who sold away their SP, but no worries its a gain for those who want-in and you can trust me with your votes I have not powered down once since day 1.
Regardless of the change I still hope people will create content on Steemit.com in the future and get paid for it, hopefully earning something more than just a few cents for their efforts.
To make it clear I'm not having a dig at the whales, I'am saying we need more people who are actually active and curating who are being supported and who have some decent power behind them, so vote now and help me make this happen.

Images By @simonjay
Our Ship Is Now Dolphin Powered
Source: giphy.com
-Steem Price-
-Month 30 Of Steemit Monthly Reports-
-I Have Powered-Up To Dolphin!-
-Young And Now Disabled By Vaccine?-

So if you like this page I need you guys to do me 2 easy things.
1.First please upvote this page.
2.And secondly dont forget to follow me below.
Also since votes don't always = $ and you if want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me.
@paradise-found - @karenb54 - @koskl - @hanshotfirst - @meesterboom - @mammasitta - @akomoajong - @yusril-xabre - @surpassinggoogle - @whatisnew - @kristy1 have already done this so a big thank you to them all!
Thanks for posting the update
No problem @jkenny thank you for the supprt I was right about this one being a good month as we got more SP then expected but I couldn't believe that even with the extra SP gained I still fell in the rankings.
Hi @simonjay!
Your UA account score is currently 4.642 which ranks you at #1777 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has dropped 2 places in the last three days (old rank 1775).Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 155 contributions, your post is ranked at #143.
Evaluation of your UA score:
Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server