I'm about to be offline for a good bit of the day for some work on my 17 acre homestead, but I WILL hunt you down and get you in there. Your confusion will soon be mitigated and the help you will find in there, with all the great people that come with it? These will make you totally good with the mess of a show that this place is. I promise? K, have a great day! We won't leave you behind!
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Lol!! Well enjoy your day outdoors, sounds very soul therapeutic.
& good luck with hunting me down and getting me in the chat room! I'm sure I love it once I know how it all works! :)
Thanks for caring. Have a great day too. :)
If you call multi-acre weedwhacking what amounts to the side of a mountain "therapeutic" well.... there's that :D
See you in the steem, soon enough! Have a good one!
Very therapeutic for your soul!
It's when we're doing something mindless that our souls get a chance to butt in and have their say!
Look forward to chatting their. Enjoy your weedwhacking! :)
It was SO hot out. So here is how you get to us:
Click this: https://discord.gg/ns779Gq and boom, you'll land in our main chat channel. People will say hello to you, say hello back. :D
That's about it?
Also, I'll be doing Monday Night Minnow School on http://mspwaves.com tonight at 8pm EST/12AM UTC 0 - Tune in and join us in the #mspwaves-audience channel, which is accessed via the above link then clicking the channel in the channel list that will be on the left of the main chat window!
Wow that sounds hot! I live in the UK so 22-24 is hot here, but I'm feeling you're talking a LOT hotter!
Thanks for the link, I'll try it out later. I've missed your show, so sorry UK time here so I was probably sleeping! Are they recorded anywhere?
Thanks for the information and all your help. Chat soon! :)
It was melt your soul hot. I do record my shows but they are not posted for replay. My monday night minnow school show is at midnight UTC0, so 11am London
I've been to the UK, in 1994. Was married to a Welsh woman back then. Nice country. No so nice representative to marry. :D Please send pasties and black current soda. Thanks!
"melt your soul ho' - Lol that's so funny! :)
I will try and listen in next week. Where do you live? East coast? I think 8pm ET is midnight or 1am here.
Wales is beautiful, tends to rain a lot though! Pasties & blackcurrant soda, weird the things we remember and miss!