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RE: Who Has the Funniest SteemIt Username On This Platform?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I think a list of ironic names would be remiss without mentioning:


I don't really know them, but if we are on the post's topic, what better name, than a name about the lack of names?


I think a list of ironic names would be remiss without mentioning:

Yes, I see that name commenting on @joeparys post and always like the name. It does make you go are there any names left?

I don't really know them, but if we are on the post's topic, what better name, than a name about the lack of names?

You found a great example. When I heard @kenmelendez @onefatindian in his video. I lol'd out loud.

Haha, that was the very first one coming to my mind, too :-)