I guess @fyrstikken wasn't happy about the $13.00 payout I was getting for the trailer to a cartoon im doing. Well here is the convo. For transparency.
I will let the community be the judge of this situation. Not I.
If you do feel like this is blantant BS and abuse, then resteemand upvote. If you don't then flagged this to hell. Either way have a good listen.
I have given you hundreds of upvotes in the past for content, I advertised your steem-game to as many as possible when you were unseen and unvoted.
I laughed my ass off when you made the video where you tried to pay with Bitcoin at a subway, that was funny and I upvoted you for that video, still think it is funny.
But I guess I am only worth a mention if I am critical to your work. Go figure.

I gave you a flag because your 57 second "trailer" was in my opinion a "piece of shit" clickbait which wasted my time. I expected better from you, that is the truth.
It had in my personal opinion no content value, which sucked because I would have given you an upvote if your content was any good.
Thanks for the shoutout, people can get in touch with me at http://STEEMspeak.com if they are interested in continuing this spewing of opinions further.
I have to admit, I thought I had a fly on my screen for a second.
Lol. All you gotta do is Alt-Tab, if its not on your CS GO screen your fine. Proceed past go. l33t pro
Eww how do you not use nightmode?
Because it sucks.
I use night mode. It is bett on/for my eyes
Hahaha me too :-D
A simple down vote would have done the job. All that extra stuff you wanted to talk is fine, but went a little far. Like I said I understand where your coming from, but i'm merely documenting the step by step process. Not just the finished product.
"We need a medic over here!"

Wow, that's just sad man. But people really don't realize on how much goes into animation because I'm an animator myself. You have some great content so I just gave you a follow @sirlunchthehost. (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)
That rage!
https://steemit.com/steemit/@berniesanders/a-viking-tells-us-how-he-really-feels-about-steemitVery funny and informative.
Thanks. :)
OMG that is... That just made my day.
It's gold. Always cheers me up when I'm down. So now I have two fyrstikken audios to cheer me up 😁
Loool it made mine too ;-)
Classic. lol.
Is it worth getting that worked up about it? There are bigger issues here to worry about. At least you are creating something. The value of it should be determined by who chooses to vote on it. I'm definitely not looking for fights.
I guess my $13.00 was to much for the reward pool. shrugs
His flag could do more good elsewhere. You deserved to earn something.
According to him, he flagged the post based on the content. The irony here is that a post about the rewards of said post has earned a lot more than the post itself.
There are really bigger issues to worry about -shaking my head-
Weed, DMT, MDMA, 5MeO DMT or LSD helps for anger ;)
...helps for a lot of things, matey....😂😂
Yeah I disagree with that flag, I think that post was well worth the 13 dollar payout. I mean he could have downvoted it to a lower amount, but reducing the payout to zero is pretty uncalled for.
Any reason why you're also downvoted on this post btw?
Don't mind me, I'm just eating popcorn :)
problem by issue will be split through mubahasah that is doing policy according to rule of origin. to generate personal profit it is not the right thing, but we create a cohesiveness in running the daily life in steemit.
Yeah, Steemit is a form of voluntarist government, and mining it for crypto degrades it.
Folks have a right to upvote or flag as they wish, but the division caused by flags is perhaps better resisted in order to build community.
That may have been the most fun I have had on Steemit.
Someone needs some candy!
Wow man. There are some people in this world...
shrugs "A simple, I didn't like your content." would have been nice. LOL
Hmm broken English mandatory?
I am crying my eyes out. How is this real??? This is so funny.
lol comedy comes in many forms.
Wow he gets quite angry
Let that sink in. I'll wait...
Well, thats quite an indictment. I hope that he doesnt give himself an anuerism. Seems a bit much to get that angry over. People say I'm a hothead. Wooooooowww
Side note : why no love for blm?
Hopefully he moves on and we can still support. I do feel the video was a tease cuz it was the same voice over. :P but its still good stuff!
SteemIt always gets dicey when the prices are down.
Idk why, gives people the chance to earn more. shrugs
@fyrstikken is the booster upvote bot steemit mogul that helps a lot of small fishes in here. I just hope that he improve it more so that a lot of people can benefit from steemit because I have to admit it is hard in here if you are just starting from nothing.
It helps his own pockets. People using it don't actually gain anything. They just get scammed when he takes the vote for himself.
in my opinion to be more wisdom a masah is to make a best way in other languages should be deliberation and consensus, kalou I refer in vidio there is a tremendous debate, then to overcome all those problems we have to dig where the complicated problems. thank you
He didn't say that. You're implying something he never did to make him look bad. Stop trying to virtue signal by exploiting race relations for your own personal gain or you'll end up like the little boy that cried wolf.
It wouldn't be the first time he's angrily called people niggers and I believe he said " came close " to imply that he did not actually call him that. So he's pointing out a pattern here where he's been consistently racist. Within the context of the many other times, it makes sense to say he came close.
Do you have proof of this pattern? I've tried searching (on asksteam and google) for any instance where he's said something like this including the quote you provided (which has no source.) Provide evidence and I'll gladly change my stance, but right now this is all hearsay with no evidence on the blockchain. Virtue signalling for cryptos will kill steem.
The source is the video in this post. What did you think we were talking about? You won't find him incriminating himself in text like he just did by voice.
What kind of shit talk is that? That should be a "[...] will kill steem" meme that's fucking hilarious.
I can't find that anywhere in the video. The only mention of race is when sirlunchthehost says that he hopes fyrstikken gets a skin condition so he turns white. This guy sounds like a lunatic lol.
Also if you don't see how how virtue signaling is part of a larger problem of intersectionality and postmodernism and how that is effecting due process in our society in all aspects of our online and offline interactions, you won't be able to see how this is virtue signalling in the first place. It won't kill crypto but it will kill all discussions on social media. I highly recommend reading Explaining Postmodernism by Stephen Hicks.
Also this guy sounds crazier than Alex Jones. I get you're backing him up because he exists in the same group (see intersectionality) but that's no reason to back someone up, just because you have the same identity (animators).
You have it the wrong way around. It was fyrstikken who says
"Go fuck yourself and your blackness. [...] I hope you get a skin condition and get white [...] I don't give a fuck if you're black, white a nigger or a rigger."
Sirlunchthehost is an African American. He's the one speaking more calmly and collected.
Part of my degree was in postmodernism but that's got nothing to do with this so thanks for the recommendation I guess.
Are you bringing up that irrelevance to try to sound smart or something? Like those were some farfetched assumptions to made.
You're totally right. I have made an error and have brought up points that don't involve the subject matter. I have also been mistaken on who said what. I'm sorry to have said these things that are not true.
I believe that was the actual term employed.
That video deserves $13.
beautiful post
Thanks for the conversation because I have been laughing for about 10 minutes now. Holy shit. Thought the guy was gonna have a “grabber”. :)
The audio, was ... hm.. that guy .. what does one really say about him? Smh
Why did you delete the video :(