I must say that I truly enjoyed spending the last 10 minutes reading threw sections of your life. You do an extremely good job at conveying things in a way the reader can really picture.
My favorite quote from the whole thing, and 1 of 3 I wrote in my notebook was, "It was working! I didn't have a dime but i was dead wealthy in my mentality, foresight, self-belief, dreams, vision etc."
Sorry I don't know how to properly quote it like you did in your article. Anyway, I can really relate to that quote and feel like this is the point I am at or was at recently in my life. I am by no means wealthy, but I feel like I have really opened up my mind over the past few years. The personal growth has been something I can look back at and marvel at. Without getting any further into my personal situation, I just wanted to thank you for the article, allowing us access to some of you life and life lessons and, as always, getting my brain going in a positive direction. :)
Now this is an honoring quote from you to me: "I must say that I truly enjoyed spending the last 10 minutes reading threw sections of your life".
In the comments, i don't know how to do the quotes either. "Flaws are nothing either for in the life that i have done, i sift the not-so-good to find good in it.
Your comments is special and does show you off as awesome. Flaws or flawless, that deep substance always shows and like you pinpointed, it takes time.
If we are to talk steemit terms a bit. "I am glad you feel whale inside; cos you are whale to me".
Stay awesome!
I really appreciate the love! Been a real pleasure chatting with you in a few different posts recently. Best part of Steemit is connecting with new people.
to quote, just start a sentence with this > and write
Thanks for the info, I was pretty sure it was doable.