I had an interesting morning today thanks to a person know as @beanz, It leaves me with some serious questions.
I woke up this morning with an interesting post in my reply box. It was on my "This Is Why You Dont let Your Kids On Tumblr-no. 4" post.
The comment goes as :
'Why would you want to stop it? How is this causing a problem for you? Live & Let Live'
@beanz :
I was like cool anther prespective, from a calm rational person that want to have a discussion. so I replied with this.
An enabler is a person who recognizes that a negative circumstance is occurring on a regular basis and yet continues to enable the person with the problem to persist with their detrimental behaviors. Simply, enabling creates an atmosphere in which our children can comfortably continue their unacceptable behavior. Stop enabling ignorance.
“Any formal attack on ignorance is bound to fail because the masses are always ready to defend their most precious possession – their ignorance.” – Hendrik Willem van Loon
The government educated slaves are too ignorant to recognize the self-evident contradictions in the propaganda they are inundated with by state controlled media on a daily basis. The levels of ignorance are multi-dimensional and diverse, crossing all educational, income, and professional ranks. The stench of ignorance has settled like Chinese toxic smog over our country, as various constituents have chosen comforting ignorance over disconcerting knowledge.
The youth of the country consume themselves in techno-narcissistic triviality, barely looking up from their iGadgets long enough to make eye contact with other human beings. The toxic combination of government delivered public education, dumbed down socially engineered curriculum, taught by uninspired intellectually average union controlled teachers, to distracted, unmotivated, latchkey kids, has produced a generation of young people ignorant about history, basic mathematical concepts, and the ability or interest to read and write. They have been taught to feel rather than think critically. They have been programmed to believe rather than question and explore. Slogans and memes have replaced knowledge and understanding.
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” – Isaac Asimov
So, how is that not a problem?
So after sending that I go back to my reply page and I have another post in my reply box from bean but this time on a different post. wow crazy right? while scrolling down to read her comment I see her telling someone that calls me a troll this:
"We will collectively be the judge of your content. This troll will soon lose their reputation."
so I reply back with :
it is sad that you call me a troll too, you are not aware of what is going on.
because this is someone that I have asked questions of before about statements he has made and when asked about anything,all he can do is yell fuck you and spam post memes saying fuck you. (the links to all of this will be at the bottom.)
@beanz :
So I finally find her reply to me and it reads:
Your persistent trolling is not necessary. If you do not wish to see this content you can mute the author.
@beanz :
so I responded with:
I am not trolling him. He is playing the victim card.
The link he provided did not back up the statements his post makes. Its al because I made a response to one of his posts. Now he flips out about anything I say on steemit. He also re-edits posts and conversations after to make it look like people are not just responding to him. Tell him to mute me I'm not muting anyone. I will continue to call people out to back up their statements when they are posting lies or just being ignorant.
This is the first thing I sent to him and the reason he calles me a troll.
here is his original
Oh don't forget how he cant keep my name out of his mouth and makes posts that are nothing but slander at me, then when I call him out on the post he makes he changes it.
Shit like this that he goes back and changes after. he even talks about how he changes his posts after in the comment section.
here is new altered version.
You can even still see the original title in the link because the blockchain. It is no longer the headline.
Oh and don't forge the other posts he makes about me.
Your willingness to believe I am persistently trolling him because he said it is true is seriously depressing to me. I hope you can go back and see what is really going on. He is playing the victim card to get attention and using me by making me out to the villain. I'm sure he will freak out that I am responding to you like everything else he is freaking about.
Sorry about the long response but I'm getting sick of the false accusations and lies.
it simply said:
They're not hurting anybody.
I then went and refreshed my reply tab again and had another reply from @beanz about the tumbler post again.
@beanz :
I replied with :
Is it hurting a person to raise them thinking they are part dog when it is not true? When parents are forcing their kids to grow up as therian dragons that isn't hurting the kids?
When 18yr old sisters talk their 8yr old sister that she is a wolf because "feelings" is tht not hurting the little sister?
You say it is not hurting anyone, that is of your opinion I guess. I disagree with your opinion and also think you are acting as an enabler for them like I said in my first reply.
saying they are not hurting anyone was not an answer to my question.
Still no response back on that one from her.
So again I go back and refresh my replies box. guess what?!?! another reply from her on yet another old post from this guy that calls me a troll. lol this post was the one where he talks about killing protesters if trump wins. so this reply reads as:
Can you back up these claims?
@beanz :
I asked the dude "How do you feel about the fact that Clinton stole the nomination?
knowing it was stolen from berrnie you are still going to support her?
how do you feel about the 3rd home and the 150k audi that the Bern bought with you donation money?
how can you say your an anarchist but then say your a supporter of a socialist candidate that scammed you all?"
so sure ill back up my claims.
replied with this:
skeptic :
sure, Clinton stole the nomination:
3rd home and the 150k audi that the Bern bought,
car: I just did some looking into and in the last couple days it has come out as untrue. The 160k audi he didn't buy. My bad it is new information. the house is still true.
If their is anything else just let me know.
No response to that one earthier. xD
so I go back to my reply box and there is one more reply from her on the original post that started this whole shitstorm of lies coming from her and her buddie. this is what it said:
If you're going to demand others back their claims up to suit you, you need to be able to back up your own. I'm sorry if being called a troll is hurtful, but I feel you need to realise your own behaviour. The author is describing his personal interpretation of the text linked. It is not for you to decide how he interprets it. As long as he has shared the link, we are all free to interpret the text ourselves in our own way.
@beans :
You are wasting your energy here. That is what makes you a troll. I have flagged some of your comments as abusive. I have also flagged some of the authors comments as he retaliatiated with abuse.
In my view steemit is a platform where we are to respect each other despite our differences. This is something we are not accustomed to in social media, so trolling is something we should try to unlearn here.
Good luck with your future posts. I have muted you.
just wow, seriously thinking this the same person with a bunch of accounts. so i responded with this and am just
left with questions now.
If you're going to demand others back their claims up to suit you, you need to be able to back up your own.
I am not demanding anything. he is the holder of the burden of proof. I have and will back up my claims, if I learn them to be wrong I admit it and grow from it.
I'm sorry if being called a troll is hurtful, but I feel you need to realise your own behaviour.
it does not hurt me to be called a troll. it is funny to me. what about my behiviour do I need to realize? that I can back myself up when I makestatements and hold others to the same level of not spreading lies?
The author is describing his personal interpretation of the text linked.
There is no text linked. what are you talking about? (maby he will add some links now that you have said it) lol
It is not for you to decide how he interprets it
Interpret what? he is talking about what he is going to do if trump is elected. there is no interpretation what so ever going on. O.o
As long as he has shared the link, we are all free to interpret the text ourselves in our own way.
There are no links and yes we are all free to interpret the text ourselves.
You are wasting your energy here. That is what makes you a troll.
calling the kettle black as you go thru my posts trying to make comments and having me back up my statements that you then cant reply to. -smh-
I have flagged some of your comments as abusive. I have also flagged some of the authors comments as he retaliatiated with abuse.
you should remove the flagging you did or supply proof of abuse on my part. I have not insultedhim once. do I then in return flagg all your stuff because or your abuse of flagging?
In my view steemit is a platform where we are to respect each other despite our differences.
I agree, to bad if anyone disagrees with you or any of your friends you resort to flagging and trolling. lol
This is something we are not accustomed to in social media, so trolling is something we should try to unlearn here.
you might not be accustomed to it but most people are. Why is trolling something we need to unlearn? because it hurts your fee fees? maby you should try to unlearn your mob mentality.
I'm glad you muted could have done that before going thru all my posts and leaving comments and trolling like what you say your trying to stop.
I went through all of the comments you flagged and none of it is abuse, name calling, anything but me asking him to elaborate on his statements.
I will ask again to remove the flags, I am bout to make a post about this whole fun interaction with you if you don't.
Is it wrong to return flag her stuff after I went back thru all the comment she flagged and not one has insults or anything? I really hate the flagging system but what other weapon do I to combat flaggers? she will not answer me because she muted me but I never said anything rude to her or abusive as she is claiming.
It is not going to stop me from questioning people, when I get asked to back my statements up I do or admit they are wrong, why is that so hard for others? after answering her questions and asking simple questions back she runs off and mutes me. shows where she stands on her statements.
do I return flag or not? she has gone back and flagged a lot of my comments and posts for no reason at all.
sorry bout my long rant.
I have noticed your post was flagged by R4fken, well known steemit hater.
I am for justice and I am here with all my Steem Power to help you resist his hate downvotes and let your post be visible for steem users. Upvoted!
Yeah, I think he has a crush on me. 8D
Thank you very much for the upvote. https://steemit.com/censorship/@skeptic/i-think-r4fken-has-a-crush-on-me
Sorry about your sore @ss...This entire post has been hidden(including pics) due to 'poor ratings'...What that means is nobody cares to read your 'hissy fit'...Try doing something productive like a post instead of crying like a 3-year-old because you can't get your way by picking on other members of this platfom!
wow so you, beanz and r4fken are all the same person? lmfao!
Im not the one flagging because Im throwing a hissy fit. you are
ROTFLMFAO!....Come on! Cry real tears for me!
Why look here! Who's the one resorting to memes? You couldn't punch yourself out of a 'wet' paper bag if you tried! HAAA! HAA! HAAAAAAAA!
wow you seriously have nothing to back yourself up with and then flag this post? I guess your saying you want me to flagg you back when all I am doing is asking if its wrong for me to defend myself?
she has now gone on to flagg anything I have made now.
There is some kind of chat room called the steemit abuse room on Steemitchat Take this up with them. Yes, it is crazy to say someone is trolling you when you keep talking to them. (I have to admit, I did laugh at a few of the memes)
ehh, im not worried about it tbh. xD
I'll keep doing what I do and she will keep flagging people she disagrees with. I checked out her blog posts, she is another feminist. her actions don't supprise me at all. xD I just wish flagging didn't remove the picts from my post.
Go ahead because every time you post a 'flag', it's going to come right back at you!
I have never flagged anything, you have. your throwing a fit like a little kid. hope you are proud of yourself. you beanz and r4fken all are making a wonderful name for yourselfs.
YOU are the one that can't stop obsessing about me or beanz! Go get your diaper changed!...so you got 'gay' boyfriends...why do I care!...by the way...as much as I loooove trying to get your post some ratings...it's time for me to be productive! Bye ByeThen!...LMFAO!
I sent her this:
hey @beanz you win!,
im not going to flagg anything you commented or posted. I find it morally wrong. it will not stop me from doing wat I do and calling people out with their bullshit. I provided links based to facts for everything you tried to call me out on and then you stopped responding and just started flagging a bunch of my stuff for "abuse" but when asked what was abusive in it you go silent and continue flagging.
good job! you flagged bunch of posts that in no way were insults or abusive. hope you feel proud of yourself. have fun trying to silence people you disagree with. im sure in the future we will have more time for you to flagg more of my stuff.
Now I got someone to call out on bullshit when they post it I guess.
always a good side to everything. xD