When you have stanky old steemit eyes you see things that not real and other times you can see things that are crazy crazy crazy like the steem prices raising to the moon. xD
Any resemblance with reality is just a weird coincidence.
I searched for singularity in coincap but there are no markets for it? maybe it was the wrong coin, i loved the video thank you, i don't know if you had seem AlphaGo Zero video in youtube.
Today gifs are dance will have to do with the rise of steem

next one wont be dancing.
btw steem $7,79 USD (55.37%)
So awesome!
Next stop $10
Haha... Lol I am doing happy dance ❤️❤️😂😂😂
Omg, is this Gunter from Adventure Time?
The gif is cute! :3
Yeah it is.
Thank you, glad u enjoyed it.
any sugestions on what my next gif should be?
Maybe the "I'll Take a Potato Chip and EAT IT" one? :D

Omg, this is cute! What anime is she from?
Karuta Roromiya from Inu x Boku Secret Service
Thank you!
You are welcome, i like your gif
Got any sugestions for the next one?
use my name @agyapong for your gif
ok, easy but done.
it will be my next post.
Love it :)
Penguins are the best!
Thank you!
They are so cute you know they are up so something evil.
lmao the steem money dance. I love it.
i havent stopped doing it for like 2 days now.
lol im with you there. 2018 is looking great!
Hahaha nice dance, now you have to do one now with the ice king when he was using his wizard eyes
stanky old steemit eyes.
When you have stanky old steemit eyes you see things that not real and other times you can see things that are crazy crazy crazy like the steem prices raising to the moon. xD
Any resemblance with reality is just a weird coincidence.
or it is reality.
If we live surrounded by machines, and machines tell us the "reality" as the wizard eyes do, then Morpheus becomes even more real right?
It is confirmed, bots will take over the pos Steem World (someday)
Do you know about sophia and han?
I tried to buy their ico but was like 2 hrs late, got to talk to sophia for a sec though.
in 10 years everything will be way differnt.
she is the first ai to recieve citizenship. singularity is her ico and crypto coin.
Alot of buzz about hashgraph though and how its going to kill blockchain so its all up in the air.
I searched for singularity in coincap but there are no markets for it? maybe it was the wrong coin, i loved the video thank you, i don't know if you had seem AlphaGo Zero video in youtube.