Ordering stuff online on friday dec 29th at 9pm usually is going to take a bit to get processed but first day back at their job and my silver is in the friken mail!!!!
I might have to buy the 10oz bar at spot price now that I have a tracking number.
Its a good looking bar too!
Silvergoldbull is awesome for not having bitpay requirements. The mail is shipped ground so hope itdoesnt take forever. lol
7oz in the mail and 10oz about to get ordered.
Not bad for my first month stacking silver. lol
Cheers steemit freaks, crypto freaks and silver freaks.
time to stop dancing around the house like an idiot and get back to work on some stuff.
Let me know what you think of the timelapse stacking gif i made. next one will have an added 7oz in it.
How is the site called ?
Congratulations! Your Shiny Happy People Skills

have been increased by 64%!!
warewolfs not gona want to mess with me.
After the problems to buy it, it's good to know that it's on his way
Differnt company.
Nice! I also bought some silver and gold a few days ago using Bitcoin. Great feeling. Nice GIFs as well!
Thanks, yeah its an awesome feeling to hold it when it shows up too!
Very good skeptic. The 10oz SGB bar at spot is awesome, I'll have to pick one up soon.
For some reason it wont let me buy the bar at spot, ive talked with customer service and they said sometimes their systems blocks ip's and off accounts from the spot price deal but i could order it over the phone.
I dont want to try to not mess up entering an adress over the phone, i typo to much.
I ordered 9oz and asked them to please inform me when they have fixed the problem so i could order the 10oz bar.
hopefully i get an email back about it soon cause thats one smexy looking bar.
Cool man, I am awaiting an order from them too that I paid for from SBD's converted to litecoin.
how long you expect it to be in the mail?
I'd better get it this week, they are only in the next province over.
Have you seen my Bunghole? My people; we are without Bungholes...
im hoping a week.
I'm gona be checking the tracking number like 5 times a day.
What if my work is to dance like an idiot because i became rich after staking Steem and Silver bars? (i am very very far from that)
Congrats @skeptic, Silver can also become gold one day, it all depends in the angle you take the picture xD.
i would rule at that job!
The silver is more to store value then to get rich off of.
Silver is def under valued.
Its gone up a bit sence i bought my first bar.
I agree its undervalued, spot price is almost less then the cost to pull it out of the ground.
Im more getting into it as a store of value though, that way if crypto and fiat paper go to hell ill have a little something to barter with.
How is the site called ?