Ima Take A Night Off Cause This Is Bullshit!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Dude is a flaggot and still at his bullshit trying to run people off the platform without reason. Just look at the retarded flaggots comment feed. nothing but shit talking filled with threats of killing accounts and how he enjoys it while he upvotes himself with his bots so he is making a couple bucks a comment.

This is bullshit!

No one gives a fuck though, just another day in steemit life.

He does this shit to me but crys like a little bitch when its done to him. Fucing retarded, big difference is actual people have upvoted me and raised my rep not a bunch of alt accounts and bots.

I was on the fence about inviting people from youtube because the shit going on but the shit here is worse.

Look at berniesanders play the victim and cry about getting flagged for flagging others! LMFAO

A simple solution to the censorship problem here


Dude is a fucking retarded flaggot.

see you tomorrow steemit, im out for the night!

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

lolI doubt that would help me any, don't think @dan likes me much.

Good luck with that, bum.

I thought they had run you off,...

@freebornangel What's going on with all this guy's greyed out posts? Why run off to several new accounts? (Alting doesn't seem to be working for him anyway)

I only came here because he was downvoting @randowhale on an unrelated post I read. Who downvotes an upvote service / bot? I'm too new to see any purpose to it.

Well, he is a free speech advocate and that rubbed a whale the wrong way, he then doubled down, and so did the whale.
We are trying to see what settles out of this mess.

As for the vote buying schemes, they are bad for everybody else.
Only the house and the gambler get anything from it and all of their rewards come from every other author's rewards.