
in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I already went and gave up.
I threw it all away, Steemit is full of broken promises and that never mattered anyway.

With no comments on the posting, i'm losing my attack.
All my words dont get posted now,
broke apart. I can't go back,
destroyed all within and lost all want for sleep.
now we can see that It has been made unremarkably clear, that I am not on a team.
No team.....

We might not be cool and we may never succeed
We still do what we do, cause it is all up to us.


You can call us whatever you want
Laugh at us out of weakness
Thats all you will get

To hold and have something, to never stop climbing.
There are hundreds of us, same as you and me.
We are a small group but we are growing, The change of the tide has already started.

We understand that we dont post what you want to see, we do it just to spite you.
Can you tell the truth like we tell the truth?
It is getting hard not to notice the ammount of bullshit you bring with you.

You can call us whatever you want
Laugh at us out of weakness
Thats all you will get

To hold and have something, to never stop climbing.
There are hundreds of us, same as you and me.


I gotta say, yeah steem has its fair share of problems due to greed and senseless bunch of idiots that will never learn, but not everything is bad, think getting rip of the bad, and keeping the good is what we call progress, but what i do know, i am just a lonely fish in a big sea of whales.

Btw nice lyrics, thats a song right ?

song/poem something.
there are problems but the number of people wanting to fix the problems are growing.
in the end the change already happend.

We get good people doing fantastic things I love

Im glad you like it.
I try to be good.
Thank you for always being there with support and kind words.

Thanks to you we get a smile with your inventions. Soon I will learn to make them


thank you very kind your information is very entertaining sometimes reflective

Excellent reflections @skeptic. The truth is that we must support ourselves in addition to having proof and dedication, of course trying to give a quality product. Congratulations

Thank you.

I realized the system is fine it is the people that are broken.

We are grinding everyday ! We may seem like a small fish but we aren't . We are the ones who work hard every single day in achieving our goals and we should try to support each other as much as possible. Together we are stronger !

Thank you for contributing to the Steemit Community.Keep up the great work and I'm looking forward to your next posts.

I agree, we have the numbers.
Something needs to be done, i think i have a plan but its long term. not something that can be done over night.
Time will tell.

Damn this is really amazing We are a small group but we are growing, The change of the tide has already started. Reading first part gave a sense of sadness and the second gave an immense adrenaline rush in my body.

im in a struggle of saying what i think is right and doing what i was told to do so my account isnt censored.
Thanks for checking it out.

If you are subtle and use the means of art, no-one (at least not the censors) will notice you say something "bad" or "wrong". That's how they did it in Soviet Russia.

I know but i have a problem with subtle, pluss im not sure if i have another go at it again in me. im already half that dog that cowers any time someone makes a quick move, it is not who i am and its going to make be do or react in a way that is negitive looking to the outside and the way it will be twisted.
I need to stop getting shit drunk like i am and actually put my words down carefully.
You are 100% right though, art is the only form that has a chance of not getting censored (then again we seen what happend to the 1930's russian propaganda meme i made) compared to me just saying what i think.

I need to find a way to link people to evidence to prove my point without getting censored for it. anytime i prove something big is corrupt i get flagged to shit and it get burried. things flagged into negitive dont show up on google search i guess. idk my brain just runs, something needs to be fixed.

You have made a post on real scenario we are increasing every day

The horde

While it innocently starts with one lone being
Shouting from the rooftops to let fredom ring

Like the single snowflake that starts the avalanche
Slowly from the darkness does the horde advance

Playing on what you like and finding your inner fears
Behind your back the snakes bite and your opinion it no longer hears

Now your part of the sea of faces , forced to assimilate
You once dreamed of places, not now that the horde has sealed your fate.

Just stick to being yourself. Who gives a shit what anyone else thinks.

like walk basically.

WOW, my shity work reminded you of pantera. Thanks. Lol i almost got a CFH tattoo back in the day. Kinda glad i didn't though.

the message reminded me of walk from them, kinda the same feeling i guess.
I love pantara just cause they changed metal forever. metal guitar was never the same after them. i also remember way later in my life (late teens early 20's) when dime bag darel was blowin away by the dude running up on stage.
i came onto them after the whole cowboys from hell time and honstly vuglar display of power was about as much as i got into them, every song on that album is epic though. god to many nights up for days in listening to that album over and over though.
I can think of many worse tattoos then cfh too, better then the sublime tattoo that 60% of the 90's-2000's kids had.
not that sublime is bad they are on some real shit too.

Yep, same here . I remember being at a whole lot of sweaty high school parties around bondfires listening to pantera. Good times.

Never got into sublime to much really. The radio did a good job of burning 2 or 3 songs completely out, But there were a few other ones i liked.

sounds like the same parties i was at, lol

they got some good stuff if your into the punk thing but they became mainstreem and ended up on the raido after the main singer died, by that time most the people i knew growing up had already moveed on to somthing new.

good time for sure.

i just might have to go check that out