Movie Quote Contest - Steemit Parody Quote Contest - Win SBD!!!!! - #4

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Biggest Pirze Pool Yet!

I am going to pick a movie, the best "Steemit parody quote" in the comment section will win 1.1SBD, second best 0.9 SBD, third best gets 0.6 SBD and fourth gets 0.4SBD.

What is a "Steemit parody quote" you ask?

Here is an example.

Movie: Dazed and confused

Original quote:
"You act like you’re so oppressed. you guys are kings of the school. What are you bitching about?"

Steemit parody quote version:
You act like you’re so oppressed. you guys are kings of Steemit. What are you bitching about?


Ok, now lets move on.

We have a guest Judge for this contest, @m3mt Will be picking the winners this time. Be sure to check him out so you have an idea what type of stuff he likes.

This contest movie is The Lord of the Rings

Here is my entry into the contest even though I cant win.

"Steemit's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish."

Rules for the contest.

1- Upvote the post.

2- Leave a comment with your steemit parody quote from the movie.

3- Recommend the next movie we should use to parody quotes from.

Thats it!

If I cant find the original quote you are parodying you might get asked for it.

The Lord of the Rings.Once the 7day lock in happens I will pay out to the best (in @m3mt 's opinion) Parody Steemit quotes from the movie

Cheers Steemit and hope we can have some good laughs with this game.

Other contests:

Pulp Fiction parody quote contest open for 36more hours

@cathi-xx 's daily contests

Completed contest:

If this goes well I will make the pay out bigger (biggets reward pool so far again, Yay!), If anyone one wants to donate to make the reward bigger for the best parody quote or would like to become a judge for the next one let me know.

Steemit to the moon!



Bilbo: [to his steem followers] I don't upvote half of you half as well as I should like, and I comment less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

Braveheart next Mel Gibson it's around here on steem


“There is only one Lord of the Steem, only one who can blog it to his will. And he does not share Steem power.”
– Gandalf

One small bite of upvote from whale 🐋 is enough to fill the stomach of a minnow steemian !


I only came here to do two things, travel to moon with the steem and take my friends in the same spaceship 🚀.

Next movie : Troy

can you provide the original quote please?
other wise entered.

Clint: I only came here to do two things, kick some ass and drink some beer

Original quote

thats dazed and confused not lor of the rings.

try again?

Nevertheless it is an amazing quote though it is the wrong movie XD

Original quote:
-Galadriel : "Only you can decide what to do with the time that has been granted you".

Steemit parody quote version.
-Galadriel: "Only you can decide what to do with the bandwidth you have been given."

  • The next movie should be: Little Man


Alright and the winners for the contest are, 🥁 roll

  1. @ingenierogabriel (I posted the winners just in time : D)
  2. @pompe72 (D: how do I become the Lord)
  3. @teukudianaulia (I am posses infinite bandwidth HAHA)
  4. @rayne122 (this quote is just awesome)

Awesome quotes everyone, even if you didn't won, you still won an up-vote from : )

@skeptic now I understand why you said is so hard to be the judge D : XD

ok will make the post and pay everyone out. should be done soon.

Yeah, choosing a winner is really hard.
Thank you for judging it and the winner post should be up soon and also the new one after that.

A magician never comes late, Frodo Bolsón. Neither it comes early. It comes precisely at the hour that he wants.


I would like that the following movie was: "In search of the happiness"

Original one: "’What do you fear, lady?’ he asked. ‘A cage,’ she said, ‘To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire.”
Next movie: The Intouchables’What do you fear, lady?’ he asked. ‘To fail in the Movie Quote Contest’ she said, ‘To wait, until @skeptic organizes another one, and all chance of winning SBD is gone beyond recall or desire.

“It's the post that's never started as takes longest to finish,” said the whale to the minnow.

Dont forget to recomend a movie for the next contest.

Reccomendation for next movie : Broken Arrow, Inception


awesome! thank you ! hope i win!

:Dits all up to @m3mt as he is the guest judge this contest.

i didn't win did i ?

"Trending page and perpetual power-downs! I says to him. Contests and comments are better for me and you."

("Elves and dragons! I says to him. Cabbages and potatoes are better for me and you")

This is Spinal Tap

Did you just turn it up to 11?
i like potatos and cabbage.


Gandalf (Bandwidth): "You shall not post".

next movie: We're the Millers


havent seen we are the millers so i guess i got a movie to watch tonight

lol, you should watch it, that movie is so funny. Starring Jennifer Aniston and Jason Sudeikis and Emma Robert..

ima look it up to watch tonight.

haha yeah man, happy watching

kings should help the people to uplift the society
Movie -Bahubhali.
Whales should help minnows to uplift the steem society. :)


"In place of the nothing, you will have SBD!
Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Money!
Treacherous as the Bitcoin!
Stronger than the foundations of the Facebook!
All shall love this STEEMIT and upvote!"

Next Movie Suggestion : Jumanji

the bold text made me read it like a movie entro voice.

Those lines weren't suppose to be soft. That's why I made them bold :D
Thanks. Glad to enter ! :D

Hey, you got eth, did you buy some powh, the Ponzi coin?
Get in early and maybe you can get out with your shirt.
Make up for them kitties,...

if the 4 bucks in the wallet i cant remove is what you meen by having eth then yeah i got some.
The cats are worthless, raffel them off or forget about them for a while. lol

“We upvote, to serve the witness of the Steem. We will swear on… on the Power Up!”

Next Movie: Coming to America

:D entered, great sugestion.

Happy Gilmore next.

Frodo : Is there any place where we can make money just by leaving a comment?
Gandolf : Yes, on Steemit!

Next movie "Dumb and dumber"





Not sure.



I am not sure but I better stop here before we end with 100 comments XD