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RE: Is flagging censorship?

in #steemit8 years ago

you are not helping the steemint comunity if you are flagging people just becaue you disagree with there post. we need the free market of ideas not some wattered down version of what one person thinks is right or wrong. what you disagree with others might agree with. by flagging them insted of having a contructive conversation does no good for anyone. when someone has been flagged by another basically because the flagger disagrees with the person it doesnot help anyone, not the site, not the community, not the flagger or the flagged. it only adds to the information out online that is growing by the day saying steemit is controled by the snowfakes that flagg you till your a -1 ghosts and no longer can make posts that are visible or upvote stuff if you say something they dont like. i am still waiting for you to remove the flaggs you made on my comment that said "anything over hillary". it is wrong for you and your other friend to go out of your way to flagg people that you disagree with politicaly. does not help the community grow and if anything it is making people leave on the daily that actually contribute more to this comunity then posts about makeup, gender, or any of the other crap this gets crazy upvotes with no value whtsoever to the comunnity or the people on steemit. the only reason people are coming here (myself included) is because this site is advertised as a place where you cant be cencored. this place is more cencored then facebook and twitter combined. i have already had a friend turned into a ghost because someone disagreeded with his opinion and he will prolly never come back to this site. he has been gitting alot of attention online sharring his eperience about steemit. i know more people then i can count on one hand that have told me they will never join because of it and tbh i dont really blame them after finding out about how the community treat people they disagree with. i hope the flagging of opinions that people disagree with stops. it is better to respond with facts on why that person is wrong. without the open exchange of ideas you will turn this into another echo chamber. just my opinion. please unflagg my post that you and your friend flagged yesterday for no reason besides you disagree with me politically. thanx and have a good day.


I don't know what you are talking about. I don't flag posts just because I disagree with them. I also don't remember flagging anything of yours, if you can provide me with a link I can review it.