And he walked straight into the Whale war -.-
This cries for manual curation to the rescue :-D
Ok, the other posts are quite nice, though. Next time you know better :-)
And he walked straight into the Whale war -.-
This cries for manual curation to the rescue :-D
Ok, the other posts are quite nice, though. Next time you know better :-)
Bots don't discriminate or feel. Haha! Good project man! Wish you get more support! Voted and resteemed as support from me. Thanks to the bot for mentioning my post at the very top. Feels so good!
Thanks and you're welcome! :-)
Easy....mining. More fun with friends!
These guys have really figured this out. You can make money while you sleep, Just signup Download the free miner. There is never a fee. (not to sound like a shill) This is like a money drop! I will post again with details of my profits.