[Replying from below due to nesting]
You are the very influential person in Steemit. If you hesitate to take some risks with SBD pegging, the community may feel dis-encouraged. Also, as a witness, while you are arguing price feed discount but you stay in a passive position at under $0.80, it would be counteractive.
I've not been passive. In addition to posting my view that a higher interest rate is appropriate under these conditions, I've continued to do some purchases and conversions (currently 16840.711 in progress, along with some more SBD I haven't started converting yet), as I did some (though fewer) at 95-96 even while believing and stating this was likely unprofitable (which turned out to be the case). However, in my estimation the risk of the trade has increased considerably due to the relative proximity of the 10% debt limit and the possibility of the blockchain imposing a higher price on conversions regardless of the feed (along with some other factors). This calls for prudently risking less capital (not none) and doing so preferably at somewhat lower (not arbitrarily lower) prices. Still, that does not mean I have completely withdrawn from the market; I continue to believe that retiring SBD debt is important so I do participate even when it seems quite risky or unprofitable (though if others are already retiring debt at a reasonable pace, I may consider that sufficient; in fact I agree with what you have stated about not retiring debt too quickly, so at times it may be better for some of us to step back).
This week I made about 10% from SBD conversion at my buying price is around $0.81 (because I cannot break through low sell orders). I think you can make a break-even at $0.9 or around
It is always impossible to know what realized profit or loss is going to be on the trade until it completes a week later, and even then it is impossible to know what risks were present and reasonably priced into the trade but fortunately did not occur. You have your estimates of profitability and risks and I have mine. The two don't necessarily agree; that's why markets exist.
You might buy at 0.95-97 when the market price was around there. Based on my observation, you are not using fixed rate, but bidding on little lower than ticker prices, and this is what I meant passive.
I am glad to see @riverhead bought up SBD to $0.87 few hours ago. (Bravo man) This is what I want to do and see from witnesses.