Until something is done about the platform abuse and violent bullies, it will not be the mutually respectful, supportive or kind community.
What do you propose? There is no way to prevent anyone from posting anything they wish, or to prevent people from voting, up or down, with the stake they hold. What changes would you like to see?
(in fact they indirectly pay him to do it)This is not facebook or reddit or youtube where a meaningless little troll is going around harrassing people. This is a decentralised network where it is up to the stakeholders what they allow people to do. When you decide you don't like people using the #steemit tag what do you do about it sneak? You use your stake to voice your disapproval. So when this stakeholder goes around voicing his disapproval in the manner that he does, and all of the other major stakeholders do nothing about it, that gives a very loud message of approval to the users who are not invested enough here to bother tolerating what you approve of. @techslut is one of the few who actually will voice this issue out loud and I've seen a lot of others quietly leave.
EXACTLY like it was intended. Now, go smoke some more meth, you've almost got the methhead look perfected.Maybe you should try blaming @dan, he's the one who designed the system. And it's being used
@techslut is nothing more than an attention whore. Just look at this post of all of the claims to be quitting then more ranting and whining any chance she gets. You all can piss the fuck off, this isn't what Steem was built for.
Allow me to clarify: I quit posting content on the platform. I still have some money in here, and some rewards to collect from last week. So while I refuse to contribute to this pyramid scam, I also refuse to stop commenting here.
I mean, if I stopped commenting, and you had nothing to flag, what would you do with all that power and free time? Something beneficial to the platform? We both know that's not going to happen as you're a selfish greedy little narcissist.
So keep on flagging my comments and wasting your VP on me. Like you said - attention whore. And I do love this type of attention, especially when I know it's causing you some losses and making you look like a total woman-hating troll.
It would be helpful to just stop graying out the downvoted content. That alone would change a lot.
In the "not just so easy" column, add the ability for the authors to block specific users from seeing their content. This gives each user the ability to speak only to their own fans.
In the "really huge problem" column add that STEEM does not have enough market value because the market is too narrowly focused on earning through writing and is 99.99% unaware of initiatives such as SteemMarket, Steem Files, and EDD Steem. And no. I've not used them yet.
How is this tied to the bully situation? Bullies always are more vicious in a tight space. Widening the STEEM pathway can provide distraction to the bully and allows their targets a wider space to slip past. Hysteria in general is easier to stir up in a tight space.
Then in the "really really huge problem" column, also caused by the narrow market focus on earning through writing, add, "Correct, immediately upon the authors' entry into Steemit, the lack of education on effective curating." This should include blinking lights and a required-reading-hurdle.
Also add, "Correct the lack of education regarding the benefits of donating and leasing of Steem Power to the community". There's no real reason people should be freaking the hell out over this activity, except for the lack of education. The activity is not abusive. There will be some who do abuse their privilege but the people delegating and leasing out the SP have the ability to refuse to do further business with the abuser, even immediately pulling back the SP.
Thank you for asking for input.
Nice input. I like your columns. Not sure what is this all about. I get that there was flagging for whatever reason, but I don't see why the comments has to get this much with just repeated cycles of the same meaningless ranting.
Someone is abusing the system. No one would do anything about it. Someone is complaining endlessly, many are listening. No one would do anything about it. Many are abusing the system. Many are complaining. No one is listening. Still the same results: No one would do anything about it!
I personally don't like swearing, insulting or name calling. But I wouldn't call myself that which I don't want to be called either.
In that regard, doesn't SlutAlso, I am wondering why @techslut is complaining about @berniesanders's inappropriate language? in @techslut's username has similar meaning to what Bernie used to call her inappropriately?
English is not my first language, so please explain that to me.
Note: I am not trying to take sides here and I am sorry if I offended @techslut or anyone. But there are many problems in this platform that needs dealing with before dealing with @berniesanders
Actually, dealing with such problems will eventually deal with the flagging issues as well and many other things.
I am thinking of leaving steemit as well, but not because of @berniesanders. Actually he has brought to light some issues that someone else wouldn't care or dare dealing with.
Anyway, it was tiring to read all this. Good luck everyone
Well, all I wanted was to reply to @sneak. But evidently I have poor aim.
You'll have to ask @techslut about her name. I can't answer that as I'm not her.
Vote selling is not a bad thing. It's just people freaking out about it. It actually gives people a way to use their SP to earn more STEEM without taking it out of the STEEM platform.
The more STEEM stays in the STEEM platform system the more it is worth on the crypto markets. The less that is available on the market, the more it is worth because it is more difficult to acquire.
Some people have the above idea backwards somehow.
Edit: I should also add that the value of the post payout depends on the market value.
The problem is there is no healthy, mature internal markets. There are ways to sell digital and real world projects and services and accept SBD at least but these are not known to most people. Until a currency has a healthy ecosystem, it is not a currency.
So. That brings us to people running crazy bot farms, voting each other up and posting over and over and over in one day.
Or, back to leasing SP. Now listen, there's something magically beneficial to STEEM for SP to stay inside the STEEM platforms. Something along the lines of investments in Steemit. It's in code in the white paper. If you find someone to decipher it completely, let me know. ... Because SP is beneficial to STEEM, then it stands to reason that people who have tons of SP should be able to some how use it to make money.
And basically delegated SP is redistributed wealth ... Which is suppose to be a fabulous thing these days so, I don't understand all the rage.
As to leaving Steemit, this is a good time to be a minnow. Just go read blogs. Find 20 or so people to stalk until you're friends. This is where you profit by making connections. Oh! And every week add at least 5 newbies to follow.
Just, let the whales blow and go. They'll either figure it out or run off your competition. The weaker ones go fast and the stronger probably won't bother to enter. BUT you'll have friends and friends are STEEM (or gold).
Nice to accidentally meet you.
Hi @marillaanne ,
It is indeed nice to meet you accidentally. I guess the rant here and your "evidently poor aim" were a good coincidence ;)
Thank you very much for the advice and the info. I agree, Friends are gold. Thank you for the reminder.
You have Got yourself a follower (or maybe a stalker :P). Hahaha :D
LoL maybe I'll take my own advice and get back to work. Following back.
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What issues did he bring to light?
Well! The first I heard of @berniesanders name was when he brought up the fact that @sweetsssj is selling her votes using the SP that @ned delegated to her. To me that is news I didn't know about and a call against someone "trotting the globe" (someone used this term to describe her but I don't remember who) in a fashion show, most likely using the steemit money she gained because of the delegated power.
You old users and big guys may know all about the corruption that is running around in this platform, but new users don't. They join after being promised a utopia of money, fame and fairness, only to find it is as corrupted as real life, if not more.
The fact that things are decentralized is what makes people run amok doing what they want to do to gain power and money however the methods are and no one would do anything about it.
If you say people shouldn't aim to join for money, then this platform shouldn't be advertised for money making. Which doesn't make it any better than other platforms really (maybe worse since its decentralized and has no rules or regulations). That is why people like @berniesanders, @sweetsssj, @earthnation, you and me can do whatever we want to do. Each depending on our own moral compass (depending on if we have any)
an issue brought to light. So at least we know that our failure of getting recognition for the hard work we put in here, is not because something wrong with us, but it is definitely because something is wrong with the platform.To someone who feels frustrated by all the corruption that is going on here, calling out @sweetsssj on what she has been doing is
Do I agree with @berniesanders for flagging everyone and anyone as he pleases? Not necessarily. But I can't do anything about it anyway.
Final note:
That was one of the reasons I dared to say I read almost all the comment threads here and I saw that you were flip flopping between defending @berniesanders and attacking him.
Can you be more clear about your position in regard to him please?
For one, something needs to be done about people who have hundreds of fake accounts for self-upvotes. Another would be some kind of mechanism to prevent the abuse of the flagging feature.
No platform can exist without some kind of RULES to prevent this sort of... unpleasantness. You can't just write in the dialog what flagging is for, then be okay with it when bullies and scammers simply ignore it, and use the feature to silence opinions. People with hundreds of fake profiles are abusing the system and using their scam-earned money to ensure only what THEY support and agree with has visibility. I would very much like to see this change. Wouldn't you?
Why? They have the same effect as a single upvote if all of those accounts' stake were in one account. Whether it is 1 upvote or a thousand, the effect is the same.
Abuse according to whom? What sort of mechanism?
bots created through Steemit acquire delegated stake, and therefore, when used to vote for the swarm controllers posts, scam Steem.
You know this. Clearly, you're using the Aristotelian dialog to demonstrate that @techslut already knows the answers to her questions.
While that would be effective, if condescending, if discussing something like mathematics, which you could have undeniably correct answers to, Steemit isn't mathematics, it's a social media platform, and therefore involves people, slightly more complex than algebra.
For example, your reply ignored botnets scamming the rewards pool. It also ignores that each alt used to post eventually acquires rep, which doesn't stack like SP, and constitutes a separate attack vector when such alts are used to flag, causing additional impact of such attack on rep, unlike a single account flagging.
Given your position, I find your coy questions less than substantive, particularly when you're insinuating half truths.
Not exactly the same effect. For me, as a user, a post with 100 upvotes is not a post with 1 upvote. How else can I tell if content is worth reading? The payout? Hardly. The game is rigged in favor of whoever finds a smarter way to abuse the system. That's more than obvious at this point.
I thought the idea of flagging was to prevent plagiarism, hate speech and spam from getting visibility on steemit. Sounded logical to me.
Apparently, that's not what it's for and I was silly to assume it was.
The flagging feature is a weapon for the strong to use against the weak. Like I said, you might as well change the dialog text, to avoid confusion. Some people might actually believe flagging is used to reduce the visibility of spam or hate speech, rather than bully people and silence opinions.
There is no way to prevent any user from having multiple accounts on any decentralized, permissionless system.
Yes there is. There are more than one, in fact. People who make accounts through Steemit to get the delegated SP, so they can vote, provide a phone number, and those that do this to create botnets use fake, temporary numbers.
2FA ends both creating accounts this way, and having more bots than you have phones.
Anothe mechanism, which I personally detest, is captchas, at least a temporary fix, until AI gets smart enough to beat them.
You're smarter than me, and can prolly come up with even more.
Then how do you propose to deal with one bully with lots of power hurting the whole community? Because now that he's done with me, he's targeting utopian-io.
Actually, you’re wrong because he can have a normal conversation unlike some random (self-proclaimed) slut. GFY - flagging you at -5% is no skin off my back.
I'm not sure what power you think he has, beyond the ability to inflate the vote count numbers, which is the same power that anyone has (anyone can create as many accounts as they wish).
You're seriously implying that trashing someones rep, and attacking their rewards, doesn't even exist?
That's ridiculous, and insuperable. Perhaps you could enlighten me, if I've misunderstood your coment.