Must Read: New Strategy to make Steemit grow and have your friends and family join without being so Pessimistic

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Disclaimer: My strategy is at the bottom of this post if you don't want to read my rant . If you think it's a good strategy, please resteem so more people can use this approach

I truly believe Steemit is one of the best websites sites and inventions from our lifetime. For only being a little over a year old, and in beta , meaning it is yet to be officially released, this site operates amazingly. The concept of paying users in the community with steem dollars based on the content we all post or even just participate through upvotes or commenting is a a revolutionary concept that will continue to grow across the internet. Steemit is the first one in this new age social media so the chance of this site succeeding is a lot better than copy cat sites that will eventually come out.

With that said I have become a little frustrated when I speak to people and try to inform them about this awesome new site and concept. They either respond in the following manners: Either they are indifferent to it, say in a patronizing tone "sure, lets see how it goes for you", "whats the catch", "sounds like a ponzi scheme", along with other really ignorant comments that jump to assumptions because the concept of Steemit sounds too good to be true.

If the people that told me these things had no debts or a job then I would understand their viewpoint on this but not by much. At least they have financial security.

Though the thing that baffles me the most and ticks me off is when these people I tell about Steemit always complain about being in debt, not earning enough at their job, or unemployed searching for a job!!!!


My character has always been to help people who I know and don't know. I have always done favors for other people without expecting anything return. This surprised people as they automatically assume if I am doing them a favor that I am getting something materialistic out of it. NO! I help because it feels good to help others if I have the means to do so

I just wish people would not assume negative things about sites like Steemit, especially when the first time they hear about it is from me. Then they say those things, instead of asking questions about how it works. It is like their brain immediately shuts it down. Then they go back on to Facebook or Instagram and post, comment, like, etc, etc like a mindless sheep

Our society has messed up so many people with all the scams that have gone on, especially on the net that people just assume Steemit is some other scam and it is sad they think that because they are missing out on an opportunity to make some good money by joining this site early on.

When a site is free and there is nothing needed from a person other than the basic info 99% of other sites have to participate in then there should really be no concern...right?

In conclusion I think my new strategy is to:

  • tell people that there is a new social media site called Stemmit
  • it has some very interesting posts and topics
  • it is growing by the day and there is a waiting list to be approved to use the site
  • the longer someone waits to sign up then the longer they will be on the waiting list.

Then once they are signed up their curiosity will make them want to find out more about the site and they will be SURPRISED to see that they can actually get paid on this site for just using it.

Please let me know if this is a good approach and I will test it this coming week an respond with an update


Usually it is fear of unknown that makes people put on the mask of a skeptic or even become condescending. I use the same tactic - pitching the things people are less likely to get suspicious about. If it doesn't work, I just cut off the conversation right there. If you don't trust me and have nothing good to say, better not say it at all.

Good point about fear of the unknown . The funny thing is this is literally no different than other social media sites, but the money part is where I think the fear comes from .

People have learned that free cheese is always in a mouth trap. That said, they just take for granted the fact that even though they are Facebook, it is Facebook that earns money. In fact, they can't imagine it can be different. It is deeply rooted in us that free services must be paid for with our attention even though we make those free services work with our own talent and time.

Discrepancies, illogicalities and contradictions. Life is full of them...

It is important to consider that, since there are so many social media sites, and everybody has their chosen few sites they use, that most people would need some sort of reason to check out steemit or some specific feature to ring them in. Most sites that pay their users have some way they make money themselves and thus have some sort of catch, thus making skeptics. Since steemit works off the blockchain and can literally make money, the above doesnt apply. That said though, until that is explained, people tend to be suspicious.

Problem is it will take a couple years till most people understand the block chain or even trust it.

Upvoted. I love your intentions to help. We are on the same page. I will certainly try this. And write an article based on this one if it goes well.

Here's a token of my appreciation with my special powers ;)

Wow man thank you! Much appreciated! I came to the conclusion that telling people about the money part makes it seem like a sales pitch and they get suspicious that there is some ulterior motive. In this case I think the less we say will go further when it comes to getting more people to join up. May the force be with you

I have talked about it to people too. And I suspect that they will have a look and try it. But it is up to them to push through the minnow pains that all of us face at first.

That's true but if they join on their own will without feeling like someone twisted their arm they might be driven enough to learn more about it. I noticed the more I have been on here the last few days the better the experience has been

In my opinion this is a great approach @soeysauce.

I am going to start promoting steemit in my country. Given that I am a newbie here I am still learning about network. Also, I do not have "enough" rewards to convince my friends, family members, colleagues that it is really works.

Please consider following me and reading my posts. Of course, if you find them valuable, award me with upvoting or sending SBD.

I was the same way as recent meber but I just spent time in here and eventually got the hang of the place. I think the longer you will be on here you will get us to it as well

Nice thought!!! Followed and upvoted as well!

Thank you!