Don't worry about view counts. Thy only show people logged into steemit and not hiding their online activity with apps and software.
Also if you're tweeting and fb'ing your posts then you are probably getting tons of hits that just don't show up in your analytics.
I know it sucks but some people have 30+ views and only a 5 votes. That's more painful.
I hear you and even if it was the other way around, that you had more views than votes in general, that would obviously suck too. - However, if you had more views than votes, you could analyze your own posts and change things up to see if the results changed or not. - Nowadays, it's just pointless having these "eyeballs" at all. Especially as it doesn't give you the correct statistics.
I truly wish Steemit offered better analytic then they have now. We used to be able to host photos on another site and we could see the view count for the photo which gave a better idea of actual view counts but they stopped that.