Are We Watching a Dead Cat Bouncing? Observations from a legacy finance trader on Crypto... WHEN TO GET BACK IN?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

bearwon.jpgI was talking to a legacy finance person about the crypto market and I thought I would pass on what I learned so that other people can test it out for themselves and become better informed about the decisions they are making about when to buy. Any idiot can pick winners and do good in a bull market. It takes a little more discernment to know what to look for in a bear market. And that's what I am a total BEAR and #hodl'er to the end.

AS the prices dropped across the charts on the usual suspects in the top 100 performing Coins... And people got OUT of their investment to avoid further losses -- MANY did not want to have their holdings in Exchanges or put back into their banks in the form of fiat currency (i.e. USD and CND or EURO or Yen) as an example... SO many many many (like A HUGE amount of volume) started to park their capital in TETHERS... because TETHERS are still a crypto but one which is designed to hold a consistent value that is pegged to the USD... HERE is the funny thing though... There was so much panic and so much demand for TETHERS that people were snatching it up at a premium.. paying as much as 5% above what it's usual value is -- EVEN KNOWING FULL WELL that after the crash, the value would drop and they would lose that 5%... SOOOOOoooo as sophisticated traders... what did we learn from that. That by watching whether the price of tethers kept rising above that 5% increase above it's usual value .. (indicating the panic was still on full bore and getting worse) -- OR if the rise in price stopped.. indicating that the panic was stopped or starting to subside... OR Watch to see if the sell off of Tethers was causing that 5% rise to be wiped out. SO here is my tip to you ladies for today.. If you want to know when a good time to get back into the market is... WATCH the TETHERS chart... NOT to invest... (tethers is a shitty investment) -- BUT watch it to see when the price dips below it's usual value of being at PAR with the USD... THEN you know it's starting to be a good time to get back into the market.

I repeat what I said there. TETHERS is NOT A GOOD INVESTMENT... however, watching what Tethers do - is VERY VERY interesting because it says a lot about what's going on with the market. It's ONE coin that is worth paying attention to.
Not for the sake of investing but for the sake of learning how the markets function.


Good article.


Good info
Thanks for sharing it

Thanks for the article :D

Great information! Here's another way you can take advantage of Tethers during crashes:

Interesting...going to keep an eye on them tethers and see if this is a good indicator.