
I am reminded of a piece of advice in a book that I am reading, 'The only to beat the tyranny of the urgent is to get ahead of it and prevent it from ever happening in the first place.' I think that a good amount of problems would be taken care of if only people would prepare for negative eventualities. When you do get back on your feet spend time preparing to not get knocked off of your feet. :)

If not for taking in a dog that was to be abandoned a year back, I would likely reject this philosophy entirely. I have never seen much point in spending all your life preparing for a future that is not guaranteed. But, when you have other mouths to feed that depend on you, then preparation becomes a necessity. I cannot promise I will never be knocked off my feet again, but I can promise that I will always find a way back up.

Maby at some point in my life I saw preparing for the future as a chore, but I sort of see preparing for the future as 'routine maintenance' There is a saying around where I am from that says 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush' In my mind it takes more energy to pick yourself up off of the ground than it does to just remain standing.