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RE: Help Yourself! (steemit for dummies)

in #steemit7 years ago

Definitely! The more tools there are to choose from, the better.

I can't give definitive answers to questions about steemauto, you should direct them to the author, @mahdiyari. I would be very happy if he would come to answer them here ! :-)

Meanwhile I suppose it's based on the order on your list from "fanbase"

I would like to start playing and write some tools as well (although I'm not a gifted coder) but there's so many things to do and I tend to choose the "path of least resistance". I'm currently on Win 10 and didn't yet manage to install steempy ("pip install steem" fails when compiling pycrypto because of what looks like a classic: "GMP or MPIR library not found")

Anyway, do wrap around a simple web interface like @mahdiyari and make your bot public! I think that as the market is growing (more people coming to steem), there is a place for more tools, especially "evolved" ones like what you describe.


For the error you're pointing out, I remember I had the same on Linux. It's because the install script of steem-python uses the library pycrypto who's failing installing (deprecated). You need to install another module (pycryptodomex) and the installation of pycrypto will be passed when installing steem-python, allowing it to finish installation.
OK thanks, I will work on making my bot public then, will keep you informed.
Thanks a lot for your answer.

Hi @algo.coder, are you on Discord by any chance ? I've installed both pycryptodome (someone on stackexchange mentioned it) and pycryptodomex that you recommend. but I suspect I need to edit a somewhere and remove the dependency on pycrypto because it's still there,

pip install steem

is still attempting to build pycrypto and failing with the same error ...

So if you are on Discord and have a minute or two to give me a hand, my user is @sorin.cristescu#6999, thank you in advance!

I added you (FlashCrypto). I can try to help you but that's a long time I haven't been on Windows, I'm a bit rusty.