Even with all those bots hurrying to "follow" me right after I've pushed the "Publish" button I'm not at 1000 followers yet. Hence you must be doing something right. Charming those bots like a snake charmer ...
But now for the "bad" news - there's a GitHub "issue" in progress whereby steem is going to remove its delegation from the spammy bots. So "valaz", "larison" "habiban" and all the others are suddenly going to plunge from 15 SP to 0.1 SP ... Don't know what impact that will have on our cohort of botty followers ...
I'd rather have 100 real followers that read a few words from time to time and have interaction in the comment section, than 1000 followers that consist 90% of bots or inactive accounts, so I'm very excited about this change. Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to add your own funny remarks :)
you're very welcome :-)