Have you ever had a traditional Turkish coffee?
It's typically served in a small cup, a little bigger than an espresso cup, and it has a grainy texture. When I say grainy texture, I mean the coffee granules literally float around in the cup. After drinking the coffee, there's a kind of "mud" that has formed at the bottom of the cup.
I love the taste of turkish coffee, it's rich and unique, and I got to experience this treat when I met my fiance's family because she's half Turkish!
And guess what I found out?
You can read your future by looking at the coffee grounds!
Here is how it's done:
- After finishing your coffee, put the saucer over your coffee cup, gently rotate it clockwise and then flip over the cup upside down.
Leave it be for a while, let the "mud" slide out and onto the saucer. Now let it cool and rest. - Pick up the cup and take a quick look inside. Just look at those marvellous shapes and swirls made from the coffee granules.
- Take a look at what is left behind on the saucer...
- Download an app called "Kaave - Coffee Cup Readings" and take a picture of the inside of the cup. It will take a little while to analyse it, and will come back with a reading soon.
EDIT: There are people that are trained in reading the coffee granules without the app but technology has come a long way and we don't have those skills :)
Here is what the coffee grounds said about me!
What does it mean?
My fiance translated it for me and here's what she said:
- There's somebody that is always competing with you
- There's a door which shows you that you have a clean heart and that a new chapter in your life is about to begin
- Your financial status and mental health will both get better
- There was somebody that brought you down recently and you will distance yourself from this person so you can enjoy life more
- You are a kind hearted person and because of this, you have had a tough time and stuff has happened to you which you don't deserve
- I wish you a nice life