Thanks for stopping by and checking out my post. Unfortunately I'm feeling kinda blue on Steemit right now. It's something about the expectation of monetary reward that makes this somewhat of a depressing place at times. When you post to Instagram or twitter or some other social media platform, there aren't any rewards except maybe a like, a follow or a comment. You're not expecting anything more so you don't feel any really attachment or disappointment with the results of your posts. Here you want more of a pay off for your efforts even if you're just starting out. It's a psychological thing, the hope of a reward in terms of upvotes and an eventual pay out sets you up for more anticipation and then of course more disappointment when it doesn't materialize. Of course nobody likes a cry baby on Steemit and there's lots of advice on how to become successful here and why you shouldn't be complaining but I know you all value honesty as well and honestly sometimes Steemit makes you feel like shit.
Just my two cents, you can throw it in the cup on your way out.