Banner ads for steemit.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I'm looking for some banner ad's to stick on and a bunch of other places.
Currently ive only been using text ad's since i haven't had any time to made banners.

The 728 x 90 will go under first of every single post.

The 250 x 250 will go on the first page of the site which gets thousands of hits a day.

Current stats of Allcryptotalk its self has 10,000 worth of hits a day that are targeted to crypto currency.

Looking for:
728 x 90 image
250 x 250

So i will be spending a few btc on ad slots such as mellow ad's, anon ads and a few others to help expand the community. So if anyone can help me out with some decent images id like to get started as soon as possible.