The title can be a bit aggressive, granted, but I'm sure you know by now that Steemit has plenty of pushovers and kissasses, pardon my French.
Heck, you may even be one of those and identify with the terms, but figure it's the only way to progress.
This post will touch sensitive information and flag war topics as well.
Well, in today's guide I'm going to let you in on a secret:
- You don't have to be a "Yes Man" to grow on Steemit.
As a matter of fact, you lose all of your personality if you just becom a pushover that is always chasing after bigger users trying to get their vote.
Lately, I've been awakening to the fact that STEEMIT is a land of castrated pushovers, heck even spammers spam with
"This is the best post on Steemit. Thank you, I learned so much with that nice post bla bla" - Average Spammer
Let me tell you why not being a pushover is nice in a way that even pushovers will undertand.
Stop Kissing Ass: Smart People Smell It From Afar
Listen, there's a difference between being nice, being supportive or being a pushover.
I make a ton of comments per day, and I'm pretty supportive. I encourage people, I support them in order to put them in a mood to create more content, and I'm a friendly guy!
However, you won't see me on certain steemian's walls praising their job... because I don't like them. And that's fine!
You can not like certain people, it's human nature. Steemit is a community that thrives on cooperaation, but cooperating with someone you despise simply isn't viable.
You'll find your own community and you just have to be on the lookout for likeminded individuals.
I've seen people treat others like crap and they still pamper the abusers because they have a bigger upvote... that just kills me.
To witness abuse and to see the abused sucking it up just for financial benefit...
...and Steemit is full of that, just look around!
Have Some Self-Esteem and Self-Love!
I have a friend here on Steemit, @anjkara, who was being bossed around by a bigger Steemian.
She didn't cower and instead spoke her mind and basically sent a big F U to the abuser. She got flagged, but eventually she passed that phase and she's better off now, with new company, people who like her and treat her well.
If you're too afraid to stop being ordered around, you'll never get out of that someone's shadow.
On the other side, I see some communities here that have what I would call the cult of the leader. They all pamper the leader and put them in a pedestal when some of them don't even like said person.
Constantly denying your own feelings, emotions and principles - along with ethics and morals - ISN'T HEALTHY!
Stop self-destroying yourself.
About the Flag War: Just Stay Out Of It? Sticking Your Head in the Sand
There's currently a flag war going on.
It could be between two parties, but it's not. It's about the community as its whole.
What happens is that most people, including those with the power to change something, are too apathetic and afraid to do anything at all.
I witnessed some cases in which I saw people burrowing their heads in the sand even when it affected them directly because they were too afraid to step out or even stand for themselves.
Is this the "new age" we're trying to create?
Is this the ambiance we want to create for the Steem blockchain? One where people can't even speak their mind without being flagged to oblivion?
I was flagged once and I have a lot of friends who were flagged on here as well... they still keep going.
And most of all, it's the little guys getting harmed, and even those keep on going... imagine if bigger people would step up to fight for what they believe in... there's only so much voting power to flag.
Sorry for the rant, but I've just been hearing about people who are against some things yet they sit idle because...
They don't want trouble.
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The very first group that I joined when I was new in Steemit had kissing ass to whales and dolphins as the first thing taught.
They even went out of the way and impose that the signature of everyone would have his name in every post. Heck the went a step further and even had it as a one of the five tags and tehy were happy posting their little photochallenges, their endless posts posturing and giving thanks to that whale for always supporting them and the last straw was when one of the so-called leaders literally posted a picture of a cartoon shit and lo and behold after sometime it got upvoted. He gloatefd that is the power of being in the auto trail of a whale. I promptly left but gave a piece of my mind.
People when they can take easy Street will do thay. They will kiss ass and grovel and leave endless praise to whales and when they don't get an upvote they are the first ones to be nasty and call the whale names and comment on their appearance all in the safety of their little group because they are too scared to loss patronage.
Give thanks always to him, tag him on all of your posts, whenever he posts a new one descend on the post with all manners of kissing ass and thanking him without understanding what the post meant. Get in line and get fed, don't ruffle any feathers and go with what is trending.
I might sound embittered and sometimes cynical that Steemit rewards those that have mastered the art of kissing ass as opposed to those that try to forge their own path. It is hard and sometimes I do wonder if I give in and do what everyone else is doing if it will be easier to rise up. That it would be easier if I just pop 5 posts a day on marvel and just use upvote bots all the way and get lazy in content creation and engagement. I have those weak moments and question if the path I am taking is right.
Then I always remember who I am and know that the journey is as important as the destination. That I have risen to where I am not through my own merit and skills. Without some big shot backing me up and I say it to myself it will be worth and awesome.
The many planktons and Minnows tahtbwe are mentoring in @steemitfamilyph is taught from day one that it will be hard and to stand on their own two feet and we will guide them and make them feel confident to swim farther and farther away but know in their heart that Ohana will always be there for them. They do not need to vote beg. They do not need to pander and go with the trends.tehy can write stuff that they love and care about. Be unique.
I saw that post that you got downvoted and it was just downright wrong. It is I'd good that you are speaking out and not burying your head in teh sand as most people are apt to do.
Go on and keep being your awesome self.
And once again you OWN with your comment.
Got to give you my 100% upvote, as small as it may be, I'm no whale :p
You might not be now but I am pretty sure you'll be one shortly.
At least you have the cojones of one currently haha.
@maverickinctus :) Nice POV galing mo naman talaga! ^^
It's so much more fun to disagree. With inteligence and arguments of course.
The problem with the flag war for the small people is that, no one want to take the first shot. Especially when that shot will probably kill you.
There is the need of some support of most of the big guys, specially to heal the wounds caused by the fire.
Let's put this situation on a frame of a true war:
There will be casualties, yes, but there is also the medics.
The majority of the common people (in this case, us minnows), will only stand up an fight if there is enough support from those who actually have big powers.
If you are a big whale but dont want to be on the aggressive side of the war (flaggin), the least you should do is to mitigate the damage caused by the war. Find people that suffered collateral damage, and give them big upvotes to help them recover from their wounds.
That simple action would actually encourage the low power people to fight for what they believe.
Be the red cross, and help the wounded.
A lot of great comments here in this section, you're one of them... you get it.
The problem is that the whales who can do something about it stick their heads in the sand. The whale I talked with was the abused party and even him/her (not revealing identity) just said wanted no troubles.
Everyone just shrinks when it comes to them, instead of lashing out.
A Shame.
Like i said, you inspired me. Check my latest post. Resteem it if you like it. Maybe some whales will get the message and at least do something to mitigate the collateral damage.
I already went to see it and vote on it... you mentioned a lot of people there... luckilly no one from there is a flagger :p
Well, If someone flag a post like that that kind of shows How much of a Dick that person is...
But i mostly marked the people that i already Saw that dont want to get involved.
It is great to express different opinions, it helps us all grow. There are several ways to go about doing it. Some ways are more constructive than others. I find it better to be polite rather than tell someone their idea is bad, without providing reason and then hitting them with 150 SBD downvote. Instead a constructive conversation can be started. If someone believes an idea is flawed, they should tell that person why they believe that is the case. The person can then respond. It is possible the idea is flawed or may still require further articulation or to some extent be incomplete. If there is no meaningful dialogue then nothing constructive can be achieved.
Someone mentioned about having a dislike button as well as flag button. The dislike button could be used as indication of how many people disagree or do not like a post. While the flag button should be used to highlight abuse. This approach could encourage more input and more balanced feedback. Also disliking is less aggressive than flagging and probably less likely to start a fight.
I like the Idea of two "downvoting" buttons.
But should the downvote also reduce rewards? What u think?
The problem is that most of the people nowdays don't want to discuss. Just want to "prove" that he is right.
Hypocrisy, fucking hypocrisy (forgive me for my French) it has always been, is and will exist. Not only in the online world, but in any institutions there is always a "big" person around whom people are found who are ready to kiss his ass.
I think everything should be pretty simple. If I like what a person does, I will support him and I will not buy off on good words. But if I do not like what he does, I'll pass by. The status should not play any role.
Very well said!
Going with the flow is easy... but not healthy.
We deserve to keep our integrity no matter the consequences.
Glad you agree Frank.
Been on Steemit for 56 days. After a week or so I realized that Something was rotten in Denmark. I'm relieved to find your article, and others too who haven't drank the Kool-Aid. I have to tell you that some of what you describe in this post, and what I read in the comments, sounds culty. Sort of like EST meets Amway. Community? Content? I came across the Tara Makeup tutorial today, saw her "rewards," and read the justifications whales made for them...."she added value". Then I saw she skipped town immediately after cashing out 100K for two posts. It's internet feudalism where there are Kings (whales), Lords (dolphins) and Peasants (minnows) Combining state of the art computer sciences with a medieval hierarchy? I was turned on to Steemit by a friend who maintains two profitable Youtube channels. He started a Steemit account to branch out and avoid Zucky's censorship. I had no idea about the ass-kissing structure here or I never wold have set up shop. It's like being in High School again, except it's adults. There is so much mediocrity and bullshit on this site, I can't see it surviving unless there are massive changes. A meritocracy not organized sycophancy.
Well... analyzing the system the answer is simple... each one has a stake.
That stake works like ownership of the platform, so each one can do whatever he pleases ultimatly.
If you want to change things you have to work on them yourself, and that's exactly what I want to show with this post.
Thanks for the great comment.
I laughed so hard at this 😂😂😂 I'm 5 days old on Steemit and I already see the this kind of people commenting on my articles :(
Don't be sorry for your rant, we do need more people to call out the bullshit and the suckyness if we are going to succeed as a community.
Steemit promotes itself as a place where you get paid for you work/content creation and this attracts a lot of people joining just for the financial outcome. Heck, even I was the same in my first day here. But then, I there are two kind of people... those who stick in and will do just anything for the money ( the "yes man" as you call them) and the other category that realize the value and potential of this community and really immerse themselves into it, adding value and fighting to make it a better place.
I try to the be the later one every single day!
Thank you for your rant @spiritualmax and keep them coming! Those kind of posts take the community further even though we can't see an immediate result.
It's important that we learn that this community is going to be what we make of it, and that we are all invested in this. SP is our stake here and it means it is ours in part... so all users should strive to take care of the platform.
Thanks for the great comment and for passing by man.
See you around!
I wrote a small guide not long ago, on a related subject;)
I'm not shy with people on here I don't agree with. Also if it ain't my business I Just keep away from it. The flagging is out of control and not being used correctly. Not really sure the entire remedy to it.
That's the best course of action ;)
I'll admit I was kind of on an ass-kicking rampage when I first joined. I didn't really know any better, and it seemed like a good strategy. I got bored with it, though, and as a result I think a burned a bridge or two. At the time I was a little hesitant but looking back I'm glad I did and don't really care about the support I would have gotten from them.
Despite my constant ramblings and suggestions to my friends, none of them have really taken much of an interest in the site yet, unfortunately. Therefore, it's been tough to find a niche, but I'm confident I will eventually. It can be pretty overwhelming.
I don't really understand flagging yet. I mean, I obviously understand the general concept, but I don't fully get how it effects posts, users, ratings, etc. It seems to me though that at a low SP it doesn't really matter all that much anyway.
On another note, stoked for your new cards. Spending more and more time on here, and seeing user's personalities, your first round has become increasingly more entertaining for me. Thanks!
Yeah my friends are much into it as well... they get excited at first but then they figure out it takes hard work and lose steam (or steem? :p hehe)
The cards are being done, im working on them and am going to launch them pretty soon.
The flag wars are stoooooopid. Flags should be used for shit posts not petty disagreements and speaking your mind. I a friend on here who saves all of their voting power so that they can flag a certain user. This person is flagging for the greater good, and it sucks that they have to do that!
I'm glad I've found people on here like you :) You're very smart and very free with your knowledge and opinions, and that's good!
Take care <3,
Always a pleasure to have you around Amy
You're indeed the voice of reason. It sucks that this happens.
But sometimes you can only fight fire with fire.
Very true, Steem is designed to oppress the opinion of the small stake holders even if it wasn’t intended to be like this. Flagging should not be coupled with proof-of-stake but get a hivemind solution instead. But on the other hand it looks like the system as it is works actually pretty well. I don’t know what to think about it.
It's a tough subject for sure.
Most of them can be exploited or just don't have a good method of implementation. There's no easy solution for the flagging problem although @aggroed and a lot of others have suggested some very cool changes.
Very complex stuff.
Yep, I'm with you on all of this. We've got to start curating content we feel strongly about, rather than what is profitable. As to heads in the sand, what do you see as a viable way to stop some of that nonsense. I know I've been a victim because one whale that likes to upvote my stuff (Which has never been spam) is hated by another. Caught in the crossfire. @Markrmorrisjr
Only those who stick their heads in the sand can do something about it unfortunately.... the most we can do is to just keep on speaking and supporting the big players of our choice.
Great advice for new members as myself, if you're just going to pander to other users' feelings, you probably won't add much value to the platform imo.
I'm currently just commenting and writing at my own pace, I'd rather focus on adding something of somewhat decent quality rather than just focusing on the quantity of posts.
Thats exactly what I have been trying to do. I haven’t posted much because I want decent quality and I’m still figuring this steemit out.
You do well, that's the right way to see it.
Yeap... I always write max 2 posts per day.
It pays to work hard on your posts and contribute value rather than spam random stuff.
There are people that prey on noobs and that’s not good either. Thank you for using your voice, I will always support my Maxyy!! xx🦅I’m glad I’m on your side is all I can say. Yes we have all had our run ins with the controllers and I’m just happy I have people like you and @underground Undie, @taskmaster4455, @preparedwombat, and others that make my journey here not so dark.
Glad to have you on my side as well Cass <3
I loved this post, thank you for all you do! xx
That is one of the biggest risks of the blog in my opinion. The lack of good content in the commentary section due to people wanting to make some cash and just saying - oh what a great post to anything. Nothing wrong with saying what a great post to great posts.
But hopefully the community will grow out of it.
Most of the people doing it are either bots or simply people who don't know how to speak english and use whatever words they know to be fitting.
Huge Problem, Cheers man.
All of what you wrote here is true, but I'm not surprised by it.
I mean, it happens on every other platform on the internet.
Heck, it even happens in real life. Everyone knows at least one case of a person kissing asses, so it's natural that it happens on Steemit as well.
¿Is it good? No, not at all. But this isn't a utopia. Behind every nickname, there is a real person. But don't get me wrong, I'm not saying "this is a war that isn't worth fighting". We can fight to change how people behave, but we shouldn't be surprised by this kind of behaviors coming from real people...
I just feel that if people truly understand what's at stake here they would do more... Most of them are just too afraid to shake the waters.
However, you're right... it happens a lot everywhere, but due to the votes factor it happens more here.
Not really a group kinda person.
Prefer my own company and refuse to suck up to anyone.
Better to be alone than in bad company.
But it can get lonely.
I am right there with you with "refusing to suck up"
I even wrote an article once about how Steemit is full of castrated pushovers :P
Glad to see you diligently making the rounds :D
I definetly agree with you , i have started 8 days ago and did not spam not one time , and i dont think its necessery , if you put in some time and read posts , comment with some point you dont need to spam . And followers will come anyway eventualy
Yes, there's no reason on why you'd need spam... Spam only harms your account and nothing good will ever come of it.
Thanks for the tips
I hope that I dont come acrossed this way?
I dont even know any "whales" and when i brows the feed, I always search under "new" and try to comment constructively..
With what i am taking away from the post and perhaps a few ideas of my own. I do usually say "great post!" But it is felt, not as a defualt response.. I havent found very muxh content on here that is unagreeable although im sure it exists somewhere..
Thanks for sharing!
Love the exit man!
Yeah there's content out there that is disagreeable out there for sure.
Glad you still didn't find any :)
See you around mate!
very important for all steemians thanks for sharing the detailed post on this one
No prob Blazing, glad you liked it.
Thank you for bringing attention to this not a small issue. The rat race is the main problem that can happen in a project like this. Maybe a system where will be allowed to the poster to rank comments can help to better determine their quality.
People will not be better by themselves unfortunately, we need to force the need for a better algorithm. We are part of a system that evolves and we, as a community, are the force that can help in evolution with our ideas and initiatives. This post is a quality stepping stone.
There are quality posters here that earn pennies and there is this guy that earns pretty well. Something isn't right.
Thanks for stopping by.
Yes I agree that the algo has some problems, they aren't easilly fixed though.
Programmable money gives us some benefits, it's high time we start really thinking of ways to use it.
Very awesome I read every word and you are so right about everything I like someone with guts pointing it out
Thanks, glad you like it Ceci.
People will do Some funny shit to earn a dollar!
Indeed Sirkim, Indeed!
Hey man you speak your mind!!!sometimes I don't speak my mind to people that I don't know well enough and steemit has improved me in doing this more often.
Like your writing so far, keep it up!
My comment always depends on the content of the post. But there is always some people whom is what you've just said specially newbies. but we cannot blame them, it's hard being in the bottom. Nice post btw.
Thanks man, what happened to your rep»?
My comment got flagged once by those trolls account that opposes @haejin 'when i ask in haijin's analysis if bitcoin prices will exceed its price last december'. But they flagged it anyway.
I actually just checked into this. It's an unfortunate accident of the flag war I think) Don't hate on Bernie too much, he has been around this place a long time and is honestly just trying to do what he thinks is right. I just gave you an upvote, you should be up to level 27 now :)
Thank you men! I actually dont hate both sides. Thats why i kept my silence. And decided not to intervene with their conflict.
No problem, glad I can help :) I feel the same as you, but honestly haejin has been taking advantage of the system hardcore for quite some time. Bernie has his faults for sure, and can be a real jerk lots of times but he is honestly trying to do what he thinks is best. It's unfortunate that you got caught up in it (by no fault of your own really) keep working at it though, steemit is an amazing place :)
Yes, i think so too .that's why i favor bernie more. But i think, he's taking it too far.
Kissing ass is definitely not the way to go. Being consistent and staying the course seems like the tried and tested method (that,and using Bots!)
Right on read :P
great post
Truly a very good post sir. Yes very well deserved. And your information on How NOT to Use STEEMIT: Don't Be a Castrated Pushover
spiritualmax (58) in steemit • 48 minutes ago
The title can be a bit aggressive, granted, but I'm sure you know by now that Steemit has plenty of pushovers and kissasses, pardon my French. Is truly helpful here on stemitt and for all very useful. Please upvote, resteem, follow me and upvote all my post again plzzzz thank you.
The flag war is a problem that plagues this community. It got so bad my other account had to be abandoned because I couldn’t post or comment without being flagged. It made it so that all my posts were hidden and nobody could see them. And I’m small. A minnow. Brand new. So I don’t have power to stop this.
But there is also another issue that some people have touched on, and I think this post explains it well:
SBD is currently priced fairly high. But the witnesses of steemit want to peg it to the dollar, which would be horrible for the platform, as explained in that post. So check it out for another issue that the community is facing
BTW, ty.
You just inspired me to write a post about this matter:
Glad you found me to be inspirational man!
Aww thanks Max.
It is horrible to see people tolerating abuse for the sake of a few upvotes. It's just not worth it. You've gotta look yourself in the mirror. Be proud of the person that looks back.
Well said. If you don't like someone, or their blog, don't bother with it. It's that easy. This is a massive community. Find the people you genuinely vibe with. And Enjoy yourself!
Anj x