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RE: A Reminder: CREATION with no CURATION Puts Steemit Off-Balance... Hands Up Who Else Is Frustrated?!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I'm new to steemit, new to social media of any kind. I feel your pain when I look at blogs the have a picture of a jar of peanut butter and the content of the post consist of one sentence about applesauce yet they have 750 votes and a nice reward for their / my cognitive dissonance. I've read post on steemit being rigged by giant fish voting for giant fish and wonder if plankton have a chance at all. What have I got myself in to? Is it worth the time? As you well mentioned and I too have a life outside of technology but I'm here... And I feel your frustration. You can gladly have my nearly worthless upvote and know your words still touch people.


But that's silly, plakton don't eat peanut butter or applesauce! :O but still I hope this platform helps connect other plankton together any income is just a benefit

valued. If you see what I'm saying. I totally understand whjat you say... and yes, whales pretty much just vote for each other. Same with dolphins. That's the way it goes, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. But if we stick at it, over time our voting power will increase, our followers will be genuinely following us not for what's in it for them, but because they like our blogs, and we should end up feeling like what we do and who we are really matters in this community! (at least that's the hope!)I appreciate your comment and upvote very much @spozone, no matter how 'worthless', because it's not worthless at all! I wonder if that's why some bloggers don't vote, because their votes aren't 'worth much' in terms of rewards? Even when votes don't have much power behind them, they are still very much needed because otherwise how will people know if others read or like their posts? A show of appreciation is worth much more than monetary rewards. For example, if I get 50 votes but only $2, I'm still chuffed because 50 people liked what I wrote, or at least 50 people were willing to support me. But if I get $50 and only 5 votes, I don't feel half as

Good thing it's a big Oceanside a big blockchain. I guess steemit is like life in that we are all just doing are best to figure it out and get by the best we can.

Indeed we are @spozone. It can get pretty complicated at times, and despite being here for ages I'm still figuring out many things!!! (both Steemit and life, haha)