
I am sure that you have had a dream or an objective that you have always wanted to achieve.
But you still have not been able to start it, or if you have done it, you have not been able to finish it because of things like the lack of time or the obstacles that you have encountered on your way.
It is very easy to think about what you want to do or achieve; but it is much more difficult to take the first step to reach your goal.
A few years ago, every morning thousands of ideas of things I wanted to do came to mind. And so that they would not forget me, I had a notebook on my desk where I wrote what I wanted to achieve.
The problem was that although I wrote my plans, and did everything possible to take the first step, in the end I always left everything halfway. Does it happen to you too?
If your answer is yes, the same thing that happened to me will happen to you: at the beginning you put all your effort and your illusion thinking about that goal.
You make plans of how you are going to organize yourself to achieve it, and you have the maximum motivation; but little by little, your energies begin to go down because impatience can you.
Yes, you want to achieve what you have proposed with all your heart, but you want to see results right now. However, nothing worthwhile happens overnight magically ...
To me, after seeing so many goals and plans that were not fulfilled immediately, I left because I felt frustrated.
That's why I started looking for why I could not achieve what I wanted, and during my search I realized that it was because I was simply not taking the right steps to achieve it.
One day, talking to my best friend, she told me that she had discovered a new system called Kaizen method that was very fashionable in Japan, but that was also spreading to other places like the United States and Europe.
So I went to a store, bought a book that explained everything about this method, and when I finished reading it, I realized that I had done everything wrong.
My mistake of wanting to do everything in a short time led me to give up right away or to give it up for a failure as soon as I saw the first obstacle.
And probably this is the same thing that is happening to you now. But luckily, you can change it today, and the Kaizen method will help you do it easily.
Here I will tell you what this method consists of, what is your philosophy, and the 5 simple steps you must follow to be able to fulfill all your goals with it.
If I could, you can also and you will achieve it with this method. Keep reading to discover how!

5 steps to implement the Kaizen method
1. Identify your problem and accept it
The most important part to solve a problem is to identify it.
To begin to implement the Kaizen method, you must first begin by identifying and recognizing the problem you are going through.
When I started reading about the Kaizen method, I realized that my big problem was impatience: I wanted to get things done and I wanted to do it now. Not tomorrow or past, but at that moment.
However, your problem may be different from mine.
Maybe it is that you are afraid to take the first step, or that you surrender when you see an obstacle in your way.
You may even have time to do what you want because you do not know how to organize your day well, or that you put too many excuses and you never start anything.
Be that as it may, you must identify what is the problem by which you never achieve your goals.
Once you identify it, you must immediately accept that that is what is really holding you back.
You may be thinking right now about the meaning of doing this if you plan to start the Kaizen method as well.
Simple: if you do not know where your mistakes are and what you should improve first, you will keep making those mistakes again and again and you will never get anything.

2. Organize well
The next step is the organization.
I mentioned several steps back that this method is mainly oriented to companies or work sites, but in a personal area with the organization refers to that everything has a place.
He repeated many times throughout my articles that being organized is very valuable in life, and if it is for it with everything out of place and in a constant eviction, you will not get far.
I have had this thought for many years, but I started to believe much more in it once I started with the Kaizen philosophy.
Therefore, no matter how small the sea, everything has its place in the world, whether tangible or not.
Get organized Much of the frustration you feel every time you fail in something like that to start, even if you have a plan, you do not have an organization in itself.
You think about what to do and how, but very rarely, the times when such a place is, all the things in your plan.
Looking at it in another way, when it is not too organized, it is not too close. So in addition to being organized as a "eliminates the unnecessary".
So, if you are interested, take paper and pencil, write the objective you want to achieve, and underneath, put all the steps of the organized way you have to give to achieve it.

3. Eliminate everything that does not work or hinder you
This is a cleaning process itself, which if you have not noticed, you are doing from the second step.
When you eliminate everything that you do not need or that only delays or hinders you, then here you must finally remove everything that does not work for you.
Beyond eliminating it, it would be a substitution. Remove the "useless" things and instead put what will take you where you want but especially, it will be useful even after you get it.
Many are afraid of getting rid of what really does not work for them because they have a certain attachment to the same habits and habits, even objects, but if it takes up space and even affects you negatively, do not hesitate and remove it.
For example, if you want to exercise, then remove that table that only takes up space and you never use.
Instead, place a treadmill, bicycle or exercise equipment. That does help your purpose.
Once you get to do this cleaning, it is a matter of keeping it and even do it daily that although it may seem exaggerated, every day you discover something new that can help you, but also something that hinders.
I was someone to whom this step fell like a bucket of cold water but when I started doing it over time it was a habit and I do it without even realizing it.

4. Keep the organization you have created so far
Once you have applied the steps above, it is time for you to begin to standardize and simplify the processes that in your case, would be the actions and what you have done so far with the 4
What I mean by this?
If with the previous step you finally decided to remove what was bothering the room and place the treadmill on it, then that means that ultimately, you started to apply both that step and the previous ones.
Even so, doing it once is not the problem and that is also the Kaizen method.
Remember that the problem is to continue with them; Once you do the steps, things will not improve by magic.
So when I refer to standardize and simplify, it means that you set a standard in your life and that is what you do every time you follow the Kaizen method.
More than just follow a few steps, each of them returns to a norm and obligation, that is, that each day you have to carry out these steps and that your standard of things is not less than what you have achieved and done while You do the Kaizen method.

5. Converts the Kaizen method into a custom
There are times that for some the last step is not the most difficult, but I think that for at least 80% of my readers it will be.
Creating new habits is a challenge and precisely for that is the Kaizen method, but did you ever stop to think what would happen if even executing the method with the passage of time is also a "failure"?
It is common for you to resist change and that the good habits that the Kaizen is making you adopt and integrate into your life are difficult to really become a habit as such.
I repeat, it is something that you must do constantly and although you may not believe it, there will come a time when you think that going back to how you were before was "better" and more "easy", although the opposite is true.
I do not blame you, when you have a habit it's because that way we feel comfortable but when this happens, think about everything you've been doing since applying the Kaizen method.
The difficult task is to keep it a habit and make it a good habit in your life so that you can improve the rest of them and yourself as a person.