According to my research based on Instagram users (and lets assume it'll be similar for Steemit users to) the time you post will have a huge impact on the amount of views.
Think about it logically - Assuming you yourself fall into the "normal social media user bracket" when for you is prime social media time.
According to Tech times it make sense that 5 p.m. is that prime social media time, since many people are heading home from work and have the time to scroll through News Feeds.
The study found that, in general, photos posted between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. are less likely to receive lots of up votes and comments, with the 8-9 a.m. hour being the lowest for engagement, probably since people just got to work or school. Even though Wednesday was found to be the day of the week with the highest engagement, there wasn't a significant margin. Wednesday has an average of 4.9% engagement compared to the lowest, Monday, at 4.4 percent.
Hmmmm food for thought.
😋 what time are you refer to???
Steemit is international , one should think the communities is world wide
I upvote U