@winstonwolfe I'm sorry if I've upset you with my point of view. I don't intend offence.
I'm a little confused though, what's childish or trollish about this post?
I've been watching and I'm seeing this behaviour. If you're going to get upset with anything, I would have thought shooting the messenger would be looked on as less than productive.
LOL Not you. Although, I guess my comment does come across as talking directly to you. I'll edit it to clarify my point. I'm actually agreeing with you. :)
Well thank goodness for that!
But who?
Edited The penny dropped.... You're giving an example LOL
My original comment has been edited. I was speaking generally, not at anyone specific. :)
All clarified now! Thank you!
I'm glad you haven't muted me ;)
No problem! :D