Steve Bannon Leaving And The Defeat Of The Alt-Right

in #steemit7 years ago

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Steve Banon has left the white house. In what has been a roller coaster week after the Charlottesville events, Steve Bannon leaves and the left in this country have been victorious. Steve Bannon was the executive chair of Breitbart news before he became white house strategist for the Trump administration. With the news that he was leaving the administration many news outlets have labeled him has alt-right. This labeling is done intentionally and to slander him in the public's eyes. Steve Bannon has never said he's Alt-Right but he did say ,while the leader at Breitbart, that Breitbart would be a "platform" for the Alt-Right. Bannon was trying to create a platform for the rise of the new right so to say. The new right is basically any group questioning the leftist medias narrative and political correctness. The car attack in Charlottesville was a huge victory for the left, now there narrative of right wing violence had video proof they could use on cable news. The facts at Charlottesville were twisted throughout the whole week. The president would act presidential criticizing both sides but that was not enough they wanted him to denounce the "right" wing side. On Monday he did, albeit not mentioning the word "nationalist", this was the second victory for the left. The right wing main stream media completely followed the leftist narrative during the week denouncing the right wing groups although not standing up for these so called right wing groups right to free speech and assembly. This was the third victory. On Wednesday Trump would mention the "alt-left" coining a term for Antifa and Black lLves Matter and placing equal amount of blame on them for Saturday's violence. When in fact Antifa and Black lives matter did most of the violence. Was this announcement the last hurrah of Steve Bannon or Trump's ....
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I love your post, thanks for sharing! I gave you a vote. I hope you enjoy it.

You must be living under a rock. Briebart labeled itself as "Alt-Right" and used to proudly use that title. It had nothing to do with what we now read as "alt-right". Briebart meant it to mean the "hard core conservative" or right base of the Republican/Conservative party. Briebart is very right leaning/pro free enterprise.

They started in Jerusalem and it's still one of their main political regions so one would hardly think they support Nazis/KKK as you seem to indicate. The argument falls flat on it's face. :)

Regardless of what you think you might know the National Socialist German Workers’ Party—later shortened to Nazi party is neither democrat or republican based. Around the country today, a more true form of democratic socialism is not only taking form but growing in the form of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Following last year’s election and the rise of self-proclaimed democratic socialist and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont).

If you think the car attack in Charlottesville was a huge victory for the left you are crazy. That's like saying when James Hodgkinson shot Scalise and other GOPs at the softball game was a huge victory for Republicans. Same with the 5 police officers who were shot by a BLM sniper. Would you consider that a huge victory for Republicans? I sure wouldn't. All of these events are a sad mark on our country.

BTW, James Alex Fields, the Driver Charged in Charlottesville Killing was a democrat. Does that make you feel better or worse? All of these and other examples are fringe lunatics who are mental and in need of help. It's a sad day when you try to politicize it.

Did you see the GOP take pride in the softball shooting using that to demonize Bernie or the Democrats? Shame on you!

"Alt-Left" as being used today are mostly considered anarchists and tend to have very (extreme) liberal tendencies. These groups would be BLM and Antifa. I'd assume you would denouce these groups as much as KKK or Nazi since they are all HATE groups when you get down to it. None are any better than the rest. They are equally violent. Antifa/BLM are probably the worst of the bunch since they think nothing of attacking and killing police officers and have done so many times in the last year.