This is a topic that has been on my mind for quiet a while now. It is not too easy to see contents from popular handles here on steemit make so much for EVERY POST while yours, which by the way is also quiet a great write up isn't getting much upvote or maybe getting the upvotes but from minnows.
But then, you are consoled because of the clear difference in the number of followers between both of you. Believe me I have seen a steemian who has about 60k followers and more, now that is a 'wow' kind of account. You can imagine how many audiences get to see each of his post in their feeds and well, a fraction of these flowers may like certain topics he trends with. Matter of fact almost the same fraction of your follower (who are too few) who see your post and are interested in your topics.
I believe that the only gap is in followers, reputation which Ofcousre will attract followers and also the sort of articles/ interest we chart.
I have thought about this and decided that I will be patient with Steemit building that folllwership and reputation week after week. I must get there too.