The Steemit Team would like to wish everyone a very happy Holiday Season! While 2019 certainly presented its set of challenges, the foundational work that was completed (Hivemind and MIRA) was critical to enabling Steem to scale in 2020.
2020: The Year of Steem
The strongest foundation is meaningless without those features that will attract the masses, which is why we’re so excited to be heading into 2020 with Communities in Beta, and Smart Media Tokens on Testnet.
We believe that the stage is set to make 2020 the year of Steem, and we look forward to working with you all to bring Steem to the masses.
Enjoy this time with friends and family … because we have much to do come 2020!!!
Happy Holidays!
The Steemit Team
Yeah... If we could please make 2021 the year of Steem that would be great. 2020 is not gonna happen, everything is way too new to attract anything or anybody.
the good thing maybe is all the clueless noobs coming in hot like "OMG POST SHIT GET MONEY?" have no clue about the disaster it has been for nearly two years now, and 12dollarcents to them is that norm as they came into it like that ... so , yea maybe , but i do agree, mass adoption aint gonna happen soon, not like this either, thats up to the communities, its pretty much nice pyramid affiliation where you let the lower cells do the work mostly and still
with the downvoting, i dont think this thing is actually fit for mass adoption anyway ... but projects can happen ... its been stuck on steem-IT and "thou shalt write articles for whale-cookies" since day 1 ...
the pool that was mined at the start is still looming to regulate the price (read : keep it down) and the rich kids dont really feel b/c they come here to play little whale (b/c anywhere else they need a lot of extra zeroes for that lol)
we shall see, one of my new years resolutions after giving it three years and watching every euro i spent on it be sold off right away and devaluate,
is to not spend a single cent until i see something i can believe in again ... which means : not the hype , communities, smt's custom json all that was possible from the start, barely anyone ever picked up on it ... steemmonsters used it, you have utopian maybe (didnt like them), you had musing , drugwars used custom json (8 kb of custom json written in a place or two seems to be a contract of sorts)
... so , as someone who is not completely digibetical i still wonder what the plan is with the salvation with stuff that has been around from the start , BUT
if i sell off now i just take heavy loss
and for what i would get i can just as well stick around, if it drops to one cent i'll have nothing too
if they get it up to even $1 i might still get my money back heh, after that i have no reason to complain for anything but me having been an idiot and paying more than once after seeing how it all turns and revolves
... PROJECTS ... not based on 'cookies for articles' ... :)
ik ben benieuwd ...
When I came here, I knew that I would lose everything or gain massively in the long run. I am not gonna sell for pennies ever.
From an Elliott wave perspective, it would be stupid to sell now. Like most cryptos, Steem is doing a massive correction first, but I had not thought about the correction being this big and time-consuming. It's a fact that we have not seen any impulse yet. The all-time high was only wave X (hype ) high and we are still not done with wave Y low.
So we don't know what the first impulse is going to look like. Could be 50 cents, could be 5 dollars for wave 1, nobody knows. But I am definitely not selling even if it goes to zero. Already lost 98% so who gives a f... about the short term price?
Well, that depends. My STEEM not powered up I have been selling for HEX. Because its rank on coinmarketcap is 2200 or so and it pulled in a lot of Bitcoin whales that will likely support it. So, I think that is safer than hoping Steem will regain its value.
You can check it out with this link if you want. I think its going to be performing real well in 2020.
10% Bonus
Plus, I love everything Ethereum and DeFi, so I'm happy to see a dapp on Ethereum that allows for certificate of deposit savings accounts.
i'm not sure if Elliott -Wave theory applies to cryptocurrencies but im actually not sure any classic forex/stock theory applies all across the board from the 1920s to the 2020s b/c all of them just take all statistical data of all time into one big bucket , take the median out of it and apply that to any given situation at any point in time , regardless of the situation or the time ...
so , even if the numbers are 100% accurate the data needed to predict is way more and i dare say beyond omega to even have the slightest chance of being accurate . Big movers are worldly events id say almost 90% of the time or more, and there's also the ripple effect you get like : dollar moves -> world moves (or in the very small world of planet Crypton : BTC moves -> world moves) ... the thing with crypto is its actually SO small its even more prone to worldly events and even one 'renowned' 'investor' might speak just a few words to move it , hence
statistics ? i dont believe they're any good. What one CAN be sure of is that the majority of the coins (main coins) is owned by a very few people , probably the same ratio you get with fiat and classic wealth and in this case its manageable and the one certainty is : they want to make dollars , so it has to go up and it has to come down at least once a year and preferably several times ... events are the things to look for .
as for steem : its hyperinflated : its mathematically impossible to hold a certain level of dollar value over time
2 months alreayd, wow
well im gonna try to check this feed once a week, its gotten even less interesting now they show they can just frees it on the consensus of 10 people without any court orders or anything
that makes it a very high risk, even for non criminals lol, (unless that last one was a known criminal ? )
i quit following the circus here really
Happy2020 All ...
Así sea, que Steemit se convierta en la gran oportunidad para el 2020, bendiciones para todos.
I actually just got my steem account and I can't wait. Seems hype! 👌
I am new to "steem" , still figuring out how it works....but seems interesting
There are lots of guides. Just google it and click the steemit posts or youtube videos about steem tutorials/guides.
I look forward to see what everyone accomplishes in the next year
Happy new year guys!!
What a year! can't wait to see how 2020 goes through for Steem!
Same here, same here!! ♥
♥ Love, SnekLady ♥
2020 - the Year of Steem
I love this motto and I have a strong feeling it will live up to its promise ;) 2020 will be our year guys. Merry Christmas to all Steemians out there!
Happy holidays to you too.
Happy holidays, everybody!!!
Esperemos que el año 2020 sea un año de mucho exito, pero mas aun de mucha paz. Los seres humanos debemos apartar de nuestro corazon la maldad y ver a tu vecino como tu hermano.
2020 Make or break.
This is the most wonderful thing
Happy New Year & may it usher us all closer to the Horizon of our Hopes

Happy Holidays and have a blessed Christmas ... from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia !
happy xmas to yall!
Happy holidays! (not for us in Taipei though...^_^ )
Happy Holidays to your team.
Happy NEW YEARS and Merry Xmas! 2020 all the way baby!
Hello Steemitblog… Happy Holidays....that's indeed welcome news......STEEMing hot hot hot..
Cheers guys. It's been an interesting year. I hope 2028 (oops, meant 2020) is the year of Steem! Let's make it happen.
2020 is the year to make it happen I with you on this why wait for next year and the foundation has already been set. See you at the top next year.
2028 will be awesome. I should be retired by then..... living off my Steem investment
Not sure everyone can wait that long :) I've said I'm playing the long game, but didn't quite mean that long
It’s only 8 years away....
I did mean to type 2020 :)
Hoping for sooner than that ;)
Posted using Partiko Android
Oops. Phone keyboard issue. But maybe I'm being prophetic.
Well, 2018 was supposed to be "the year of Steemit". Maybe dropping the "-it" will make it work this time?!
Happy Christmas and New Year. Let's make 2020 the best year yet.
Posted using Partiko Android
Looking forward to this time next year when, maybe, i can finally lay the stinc moniker to rest.
Long live steem!
You guys have done good, this year.
Merry Christmas Everyone
Merry Christmas
Happy New year to all of steemit users ❤️🎉
You all failed us big this year, don’t even act! All steemit does is sell sell sell us down down down! You set us up for free flags, you all suck!
I thought 2019 was the year of Steem. One year ago you were quite sure SMT would be launched on mainnet. I said that would not be happening, seeing that chart which was showing current and future milestones. And here we are.
I hope next hard-fork is tested as needed. smt-wizard shows you are not testing it before commiting to repository.
2018 was supposed to be the year Steem went viral and became a household name, too. But yeah, onward to 2020 and 2021 etc!!
Merry Christmas to all those that work hard to keep Steemit going. :D
God bless y'all and your wonderful families. :D Have an awesome day! :D
Been pretty dormant for over a year now. Hopefully will get more active this year!
2020 is going to be the best for steemit family
BitChute del "Nacional Libertario" (A channel to save Chile from communism/socialism! Please follow me and promote me!):
Happy New Year 2020! Happy New Year Steemit!
I'm just hope next year is my year trying to run my own business any ideas?
I hear that pawn shops, mortuaries and junk yards make some of the best small businesses.
Happy holidays team.
Happy NEW YEARS and Merry Xmas! 2020.
Love <3
Happy holiday to from akbar tricker YT
I believe we gonna make it in 2020.
Loooooove iiiiiitttt! <3
Happy solstice and christmas and new year :)
merry christmas to you too
Happy Holidays to everyone! 2020 The Year of Steem!! Nice!
С наступающим новым годом!)
a Advanced, Happy New year, Hope is this good of for steemit, Love U
This year has been a great challenge to work hard, to make good publications, enjoy the content of the community, we have the faith that this year 2020 comes with many positive proposals a lot of quality work, I wish you all a happy year 2020, Cheers
Happy new year 2020 i hope this year steem and everybody get s great success . And in this year i get my steem account approval "sahadian gang" i'm so excited to earn money from steem. Yayyy
very happy happy holidays wooooooow awesome
Happy New Year and wishing you all the best!
Merry Christmas ;-)
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Feliz navidad y un venturoso año nuevo 2020 son mis mejores deseos para ustedes equipo de Steemit les saludo desde Venezuela -Cumaná .
Happy holiday to everyone. Also happy new year 🎈🎊🎆
this got me motivated !!!
the best
Oh yes
Happy and Safe Holidays to all my Steemian pals.
-2020 will be a great year for Steem, maybe even the best!
Cheers and Beers :)