Hello Steemians!
May has been a HUGE month for Steem and Steemit.com, but June will be an even bigger one! So many things are finally coming together all at once. The Steemit marketing plan is going forward as hoped, with some great new developments.
First, Steem is finally breaking into the public consciousness. We’re experiencing explosive growth.
Second, after a great deal of work, onboarding is finally coming together. We get closer to a globally scalable solution every day.
Third, after a great deal of due diligence, we can confirm that the first crowdsourced project will be publicly backed this month.
Let’s Talk About Growth
We have been experiencing a massive increase in user growth with over 10,000 new accounts last week alone.
We’ve also been excited to welcome new influencers… LOTS of them. Here’s just a few new influencers we hope you will all welcome to the Steemit community:
@theywillkillyou (843k subscribers)
@rerez (124k subs)
@jerrybanfield (168k subs)
And this is just the beginning, more have been joining steemit.com in ever increasing numbers. Word is certainly getting out!
Another Steem Milestone: Most Transactions in the WORLD!
We’re also excited to announce that, due to this spectacular growth, the Steem Blockchain has now processed 450,000 transactions in the last 24 hours -- more transactions than any other blockchain on Earth!
We are officially number 1!
Onboarding Improvements: Becoming More Scalable
One of our biggest priorities for Steemit marketing has been making the onboarding scaleable. We are happy to share that the onboarding process has improved by leaps and bounds thanks to the unceasing and spectacular efforts of our industry-leading team of developers.
Thanks to their hard work we have been able to mitigate one of the bottlenecks in the sign up process: the initial Steem Power required for new users to post to the Steem Blockchain. Previously, Steemit Inc had to give Steem Power to all new users. This was getting really expensive. That system created an additional financial burden for developers that limited their ability to onboard new users and encouraged bad actors to attempt to game the system in order to receive free Steem Power.
Account Creation With Delegated Steem Power
To tackle this challenge, we’ve added the ability to create accounts using delegated Steem Power. Now any developer can effectively loan Steem Power to new users instead of giving it to them permanently. This lets all developers create new accounts on the Steem blockchain at a much lower cost, while cutting the incentives for people to make fake accounts. And this is just the beginning. We are currently working on improvements to further reduce the cost of onboarding new users and will be sharing those with you in the coming weeks.
These changes don’t just benefit Steemit Inc; they benefit all current and future Steem developers. Anyone with a product on the Steem blockchain will be able to handle and scale their own account creation. It’s a huge step forward for Steem scalability.
The 1st Crowdsourced Project
We’re keeping it quiet for now, but we can confirm that the first crowdsourced proposal will be backed and funded publicly this month. We spent a lot of time doing due diligence, so we’re happy to set the tone and launch support for this trailblazer of a proposal!
We are very happy with how the platform is progressing and have many more exciting announcements coming in the future, so stay tuned.
Team Steemit
I'm excited about The 1st Crowdsourced Project
bitshares did more the other day. but great to see you follow your sister chains :)
Where do u get this from?
Takes a while to load as it is pulling all the data to be able to make the chart
Know where we could get something similar for Steem?
Bitshares did 600,000 in late May but has been below 400,000 the last week. Steem is currently ahead of Bitshares.
they claim most transactions in the world, which is false.
As long as we're being pedantic, it's not so much false as it is ambiguous. It would have been false if they had said "most transactions in the history of the world."
If Ethereum were to spike in price tomorrow and Bitcoin dropped such that Ethereum had top market cap, but did not surpass Bitcoin's all time high, would Ethereum not rejoice in being number one?
not really :D
Come up with some original meme, damn I see the same crap everywhere.
We're [temporarily] number one! :-P
It's false if the implication is that it was the most transactions ever to take place in a 24 hour window, but not if it was simply recognizing the status of currently being in the lead.
Even if Steem is at number one for a moment...we were number one for a moment. HURRAY!!
Is there any stats on this anywhere?
steemdb.com has stats on Steem and cryptofresh.com has stats on Bitshares.
Sibling rivalry. A bit of healthy competition won't hurt either platform.
Just glad to be part of this every think I had learnt up to now seems so positive no negatives points up to now. Definetily going to give this a go big thumbs up
I'm very pleased to read this great report.
This makes my confidence to this project even bigger. Very soon I may quit my present job, and devote my full time to blogging here.
In case someone wants to hear some time to time insights from an old (63) IT & crypto addicted man = it's easy. Just...follow me :)
Full time blogging over your job? Or just returning and then blogging ? :) Or will you actually be replacing you're income?
Sounds awesome!
i am intrigued :)
following you
I haven't been on a social network really. I joined Facebook about 10 yrs ago. Then closed my account 1 year later. I now have an Android phone with internet so I upgraded from a phone that had no internet package. I find I mostly spend time on Steemit when I search the web now. My daughter use to say to me you need to get on board . Now she is happy with me trying to be learning this Android. Plus she ask me what's Steemit? So I turned it around & said you better get on board & join
HAHA, awesome Chris! I love hearing that. I know exactly what you mean. I hated the other social networks until I found Steemit. It's a totally different thing. Welcome to our community!
I'm excited about where we've come and where we're going. You know I'm a huge fan, but maybe we could tone down the "We're number 1!" language a bit? The last thing the blockchain space needs right now is more tribalism and competition over cooperation. Sounds like the steem blockchain was number one over the past 24 hours, which is certainly something to celebrate, but it also means we have no need for grandiose claims about the being the best on the planet since the data speaks for itself.
Then again, I'm not a marketer so maybe people need to see this stuff to realize the cool things going on here.
Any chance you could start putting out a developer blog? There are a lot here who would love to read regular updates from the devs. Also a status page for the steemit.com front end would be great as well.
Good suggestions! It's lovely that we're doing well, but let's try to keep our eye on the ball and continue with strong organic growth rather than too much over the top partying. Most of us know what comes after a huge party... a nasty hangover and cleanup.
Reminds me of something a friend in the marketing biz once told me: "When you are GREAT, you don't need to tell people. People tell YOU."
I think it needs to be said that sometimes the marketing language can be overly agressive, even as the actual spreading and onboarding is done largely by regular members. It doesn't always look that good, if I were to be honest.
I absolutely agree, already too many hallelujah posts here on Steemit, and it'll not help when also Steemit INC start doing that. Fact is that we have a basic service that runs quite ok. Other facts are that we miss many basic things like integrated HELP pages, HELP channel, Service Knowledge Base, Notice Board, Discussion Boards (like the developers blog you mentioned), Community Services, Tools for Users to help on making their post visible and so on. To my this are basic necessities to keep many of the (new) Steemians active.
Maybe also the value of Steem had to do something with the number of new signups, as well as the number of returning users. But we need to be careful, Cryptospace looks to be in a bubble on the exchanges IMHO. And what will happen when this bursts? We absolutely need a solid service with the right set of features as well as good support channels.
As one of the new users who have joined in the last month, I strongly support your position. Each of the basics you mention would be found helpful by me.
I have made several posts and devoted considerable time to learning how to post here, as well as researching the topics, and received relatively little financial reward, particularly in view of the fact that one author on Steemit has an average reward per post in excess of 170,000.
Another fact this particular datum suggests is that there may be systemic inequities in Steemit. I don't wish to appear to be bad-mouthing those that are achieving great results from their posts, but do want to point out that this amazing dichotomy in results does suggest that there are means of profiting from Steemit that do not derive from the actual value of posts.
I, as a new user, may simply not understand how certain posts deliver value, and it certainly is true that I lack such a nuanced understanding (also, I am not primarily motivated by remuneration, so do not post so as to maximize financial reward), but I don't feel it is unreasonable to find such a gigantic divergence in post rewards evidentiary of potential abuse of the reward system of Steemit.
Please understand I am not making an accusation, rather I am pointing to evidence that personally I do not have to requisite knowledge to dismiss, or otherwise explain, so am openly bringing up the topic so that I might attain that understanding, as well as giving those with that understanding an opportunity to fix any problem that might actually exist.
The extreme short tail of authors and articles that get a lot of the rewards has in my view to do with level follow the level above them and maybe their own, but not the levels below them. In the pyramid of SP holders, there are a few in the top of the pyramid with lot of value to their votes; The lower you get in the pyramid the lower the SP levels of the users. After being on Steemit for more than 5 months and more than 250 posts and 3.000 comments, I have some higher SP holders following me, but although I interact with a lot of different users, including the higher SP holders, I rarely get the higher SP holder to start following me. Sometimes I'm helped by one or more of my higher SP holders when they vote early what result in a higher ranking in the HOT channel which generally gives me a bit more votes. I also think that a lot of users vote for the posts with a high rewards on it, thinking it will bring them more rewards. The opposite is true though. Better not to vote for the high rewarded posts, since most of the curation rewards goes to the first couple of voters, not to the last, they get (almost) nothing. The voting curve is by far from linear.
It seems that this system may be easy to decry by less financially able, and far more numerous, users.
I personally recommend that Steemit admins and policy influencers closely and carefully examine the potential to disrupt the community that perceived unfairness and appearance of corruption, particularly from the point of view of users, desirous of remuneration, and discovering, as i have, the wide divergence between posts so advantaged and their own.
There is an obvious potential for unrest and dissatisfaction, and it may be that action now to avoid such unrest could benefit Steemit in the long run.
I am trying very hard to ensure it is clear I am not making such complaints, and do actually mean the words I am using, such as 'appearance'. This may be an issue that provokes defensive responses, and I am not attacking any person. I intend to elicit consideration and thought about potential problems for Steemit, I hope that is clear.
Thanks for you informative response!
I wrote many times similar things you mention. Things like "appearance of corruption" cannot be true since everyone is allowed to do whatever the users likes to do. However, when regarding fairness that is required to grow Steemit whilst keeping the small SP holders onboard, that is a different topic. I do worry about that as well. Now the Steem price is up (in a bubble I think, but still) more users are getting some 10s cents to some dollars on a post, but compared to that there are some posts around now getting 5k-10k$. It seems to be the imbalance we have in the real world, only a few getting the most of the available rewards. But who's "fault" it is, that is the question. Only thorough analyses of the data can reveal maybe a little bit, but again, everyone is allowed to do whatever they want and when high SP holders do not like to follow users lower in the pyramid, and when low SP holders are all over the high SP holders to try to get there votes, and high SP holders getting quite a bit of votes from high SP holders, that is all very legit. But this all maybe unfair indeed. We have to see over time what will happen. In the next software upgrade the distribution of some of the rewards will be less focussed to the high SP holders benefiting the lower SP holders
I believe such imbalance as is presently observed on Steemit will either be fixed, or drive people to another platform. That this will soon be addressed is a very good thing for Steemit.
Thanks for your substantive reply!
Positive affirmations?
Great reminder, Luke. I agree basically. If this is only inside the community, then that's fine. But we have to consider how this is perceived outside the community. After all, all posts are open to the public.
I've been trying to invite people since I joined 3-4 days ago.
We all deserve a:

Absolutely. None of this growth would have been possible without our amazing users. 1000%
How can I resteem BRAVOCADO ?
Me like !
He does have his own post here although I wrote a few things there too.
nice thanks
You're welcome!
That's amazing. Great News. I'm glad to see this place taking off!
GO STEEMIT !!!!!! :))@steemitblog :) thank you for sharing this awesome News . I also sent a few people our way :) def worth spreading the word in my opinion .
We're seeing incredible growth. We just broke into the top 3,000 sites in the US and top 2,000 in South Korea!
China is dragging down our global rank, but considering we've moved up 20,000 spots in China in the last 5 days, we have got to be one of the fastest-growing websites there.
Let's drop those zeros soon!! :D
The recent upmove is definitely benefiting so many people who are committed. I join the party a little bit late but i am very confident this will eventually work for me and the others as well. #stay positive.
Steemit is a great and powerful platform, it is expected price will keep rising.. I am a newbie here and I am happy to see how steemit is progressing, everyone makes contribution to make steelit better :)
Nice post, great sharing! I like the point you point out, especially that you had made list of figure and graphs as the supporting of your find out and research! And yes, I think it will be keep going up at the future and it would be the world trend! Thanks for your sharing!
Don't you have any good news?
Oh wait! This is all incredible news! Now stop reading my stupid comment and get back to work making things even more awesome!
Kidding. I truly appreciate all the work the team is putting in to creating such a wonderful experience for all of us.
Steemit so much future potential and endless possibilities. My hopes are to see healthy community ready to crowdfund many interesting projects and where each individual is a part of community rather than being an ego-centric blogger.
As we say here in Brazil: TU DE MUN! (To the Moon😃)
Awesome guys! This is good news and very enthusing!
Good good good this site is so rich in developement and ideas, it's genuinely exciting to be part of all this!
Is the Crowdsourced an ICO like?
Why is the dollar amount for this post crossed out?
the reward is declined by the poster
Thanks for the news!
I am a new user to Steemit, but I am happy to hear all this.
This sounds awesome. Steemit is growing, and that is positive.
As I said; I am a new user, so I need to get the hang of it a bit better, but I think that this is exciting.
Awesome, I look forward to seeing Steemit expand and gain more popularity. I like the platform and how everything functions for now (since I'm new).
Thanks for the exciting update. I'm a new user and I love it here. Steemit is awesome! 👍
Thanks for the updates. big milestone
The best is still to come!!!! We are still in infancy!!!
This is amazing! I hope the momentum continues!
Do people still have to wait a long time to join?
Nope. Users are typically getting approved in 1-2 days now, but we're still striving to make that process much, much faster.
Great to hear.
Thank you @steemitblog for this great update!
I prefer to let Homer demonstrate my level of enthusiasm
Wow, sounds good!
Great news! June has been a crazy good month so far, and I'm sure the rest of it will continue to be just as good :D
Andddd the Steem price is reflecting these exciting time!
All aboard the Steem train!!
Can someone point out a good resource to further understand how projects can be built based on the steemit blockchain. Im new to steemit and trying to learn as much as I can. Is there a good Youtube video or document for the public to view.
Start here: https://steem.io/. More resources coming soon
Hmm...so start with an outdated whitepaper? Nice...
I am really happy to see these things coming together... and especially the new account creation bottlenecks getting resolved; that week period of "almost nothing" was a bit scary as I had several new "recruits" in the pipeline, waiting... waiting... Good news for all!
I've had this same issue. Lot's of people I've had conversation with that either got tired of waiting after I told them about Steem, or told me they were already waiting since weeks ago.
Weird. I joined in May, and it only took one day.
That's faster than most. Maybe you got lucky. I know my sister didn't have to wait more than a few days though, so it's definitely improving now.
Question: can I find a lifetime chart somewhere?
Also, could you please make the chart more readable, by for instance scaling the X-axis to show full weeks of months? Thanks!
Thank you for the shout out on the @steemitblog! I just saw it today!
Great news...cryptocurrencies especially steem will take over the world and we all will be in a win win position...lets continue promoting this baby to more success...steem will soon be the best isnt it?
We are and going to be a FORCE for change my fellow Steemians!!!
Sweet! Great info looks like I got in during the climb but soon enough ;) I look forward to the crowdsourced project will that be posted here when it happens?
Congrats on the amazing milestone!!
This is so damn great!
great to hear.. thanks for all you do :)
The steemit growth is just phenomenal.
Interesting and informative article.
Thanks for sharing
Great, but can we all take a break and go to the moon!
I hope we see steem up 7.50$ Soon
What a great time to be alive!
Peace ✌️
Love ❤️
Unity ✊️
@theywillkillyou Welcome To our Awesome Platform @rerez Welcome to our Wonderful Platform @rerez Welcome to Our Awesome/ Wonderful Platform as well . I hope you all enjoy it and Have fun !!
More and more good news. I'm still learning and trying to keep up with my curiosity. Thanks for the updates!
Hello @steemitblog is there any way users like me can get delegated sp?
Bright future!! :) I am really happy to be part of this from the early days on!