Steemit Re-Opens New User Registration

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I'm happy to announce that Steemit has re-enabled account registration for new users, as of today.

Over the past week our team has successfully recovered the vast majority of compromised accounts to their original owners, including over 80% of all accounts secured by Steemit through the recent hard fork. Our support team is working around the clock in efforts to recover remaining accounts.

We have updated our password policy in an effort to reduce the likelihood of future incidents. All new accounts, password changes, and account recovery actions will require the use of a password randomly generated by your browser.

If you have not updated your password to a randomly generated password, then we recommend you change your password immediately.


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Open the floodgates!

I created a guide to help ease the process of setting up a password manager, incorporating the new randomly generated password flow. It also includes an explanation of how to secure LastPass with Duo Multi-factor auth for free.

You can check it out here:

Influx of new users eh?
Might I recommend whales start flagging crappy content then!
First impressions are important.
Circlejerks can be resumed some other time (:

I apologize for not being a writing god...I'm working on it :-(

As the news gets out about this over the next couple of days, there is going to be a huge surge of New users. Everyone should be aware that there are a limited number of whales, and they can not get to every user's posts the first day they join, no matter how good the post is. So do not get discouraged if you do not get any votes or any high paying votes your first couple of days, or maybe even your first week or two. But eventually as you begin posting in the community and people start to recognize the value of your content, you will start getting more and larger votes.

1 month ago there were less than 1,000 posts a day for the whales to sift through on the New page, now there are nearly 8,000 posts a day, and multiple posts a minute being added to the New page. And as more and more people join that number is going to go up. So your posts may be lost in an avalanche of New posts, especially if you happen to post when no whales are paying attention.

But over the next few months we will start seeing an effective rise in the number of minnows. In 1-3 months, it might not be strange to get $20-$30 just from people adding .01cent, .05cents, .10cents and .20cents, etc, because there will be so many new people that have that level of STEEM Power.

So just be patient, and keep posting.

There is still a lot to learn the hard way for Steem and Steemers... the system is in its infancy. But as they say... What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

This could be interesting especially for new users:
You can get actually free steemit stickers to your home :)

I already have a randomly generated password. Will I have to reset this to the browser generated one? Thanks!

"All new accounts, password changes, and account recovery actions will require the use of a password randomly generated by your browser."

@ned Does this mean that even if you had a very strong password before the hack, should we still change? Or is it just for the ones that created easy passwords when signing up.

(did they get access to passwords or have they just been targeting users with valuable wallets and tried to brute force)

HODOR can finally rest now! The gates do not need holding anymore!! :)

This is good for us! Great news! :)

Thank you @ned for opening the registration again. I am so excited and buzzing to get started. My friend @wingz told me about @steemit and said I could do really well here by sharing my knowledge with others. I am full of ideas already and will be posting my first introduction post soon :) Look forward to becoming part of this amazing community! Alla

Welcome to the club

I hope we will start to see an influx of new quality content, steem really needs a lot more non steem related content....

The reason for that is pretty simple... apparently, only steem related content are upvoted by whales... i rarely see posts about other topics being well paid.

come see if you like my posts. ;-)

I was waiting and checking again and agin for joing so now i have also a mebmer of steemit and happy to using it.


I had a friend who opened up an account via Facebook several days ago and it was successful up until the time he tried and logged and it said the username did not exist. He tried again and it said the Facebook account already had an account attached to it and he needed to buy 10 Steem or something to that effect.

It provided a support email which he sent a message to but he has heard nothing back? Is this a larger issue or just a unique thing for my friend and is it fixable?

@coinz, your friend can attempt FB registration again.

Thanks ned, I will pass along the good word. :)

With the new UX design, is there a way to make the active key different from the posting key?

We've been told that having the same password for both posting/curating and handling funds is a bad idea, but it seems that now this is the default configuration in the UI.

Fantastic!! I am happy that everyone is given the same opportunity on this platform. Now we just to need to work out how to keep the trolls under control.


@ned if we do that, we're changeing all the keys, right? can we then change each key individually?! OR are we logged in with "owner" now for everything..I'm confused with this change.

You login with your master key (password), after posting key is derived from it, master password is being erased from the memory.

i don't understand this. i need to log in everytime with that key now. i don't have a different posting or active. it's only the master now. how's that more secure?!

How do you believe mass adoption will happen if you are forcing people to have these freaky 32 characters ramdomly generated passwords? Good luck getting grandma to setup and memorize one of those.

Make it annoying and people will come.

In a couple years there will $ millions locked in wallets due to forgoten passwords.

Thanks @ned, I am a bit confused as we cannot print out the owner private key anymore... Do we not need it anymore? Only the custom randomly generated brain key for recovery is needed? In case the random key gets compromised, would this not mean a huge problem if one looses reddit or facebook access for proving ownership to steemit? I liked it like before, where one could access with a different posting brain key... looked saver to me, or am I missing something? Thanks.

@ steemitblog, can you help me.
My account locked by hacker - I lose $24,000.00 in my account.

welcome new user & growing steem economy

Welcome to all the new users! Please remember to be good to eachother

As always

I can tell my friends and family about it now so they can sign up! Great news :)

Ned! Do I need change private keys? After changing my password?

If you change your password, your private keys are automatically changed :)

Does that mean this browser generated password is actually your owner private key ? Because I updated my password and on permissions tab I dont see owners private key . Thanks

So glad. I'll let my FB friends know. :)

next wave of people, thanks @ned 8]

Lot of new people put their emails on the waiting list. What happens to them?

Good question. I had this issue just now and it seems like many others will as well. Here's what happened to me:

I signed up for the wait list a few days ago, and today when new accounts became available I attempted again to sign up (using the same email address). At first I received a message that couldn't open an account because I was already waitlisted.

BUT because I'm so persistant, I clicked around, and the site will let you authenticate thru Facebook or Reddit (for Reddit, you need to have a certain amount of Reddit points/cred/whatever their rewards system is called).

After you're authenticated, the site will disregard the waitlist and allow you to create your account.

I hope this helps anyone else experiencing similar difficulties!

the doors are open and the dogs are tight.
old greek saying.
which means. fuck yeah!!!!!!!!

Awesome! It's gonna be great to see all the new content that the new users will bring! I can't wait!

This is awesome! Right after I posted mine! I will go update my post now! Nice image ;)

Good day! I have a question. What is the reason for a complete lack of curation rewards?

This is definitely a good thing, the more users the more quality content

Thanks! I have a lot of friends waiting for this... i see huge volume of sign ups coming...

I just registered but i'm a bit lost. Where can i find more info on how Steem voting works?

good news for all :)

its nice ;)

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