
I am grateful for posters like yourself that keep me updated on the workings of steemit, its one of the (several) reasons that I follow you! I may not always have time to go reading into the GitHub logs for what is happening under the hood, but people like you do a great job of keeping me up to date, and for that I am more grateful then you may know!

I can't make heads or tails of GitHub.
It's Geek to me.

Who's running the @steemitguide account? I just came across it and really like what I've seen so far.

Great Question!

awesome post. good info. thanks.

Thank you. A lot of useful ...
For the study - a lot of information ...

I was following the whole list but not you, haha. Corrected that. And yes, I really needed that link to What are Witnesses anyways? so a big thank you for that!

I don't argue with anything in this post and find this post to be very valuable. Much more so than most posts. However it doest change the fact that it would be SOOOO easy for Steemit HQ to simply make a Steemit Post about updates, which ones were happening, why and how they work.
VERY simple and to NOT do this is not only BAD business but its inconsiderate of all the people who spend HOURS a day on here and don't want to have to search around to get information about THIS platform that we are spending hours on.
Also I follow EVERY single one of the people you mention but one and none of them actually post comprehensive posts about updates that are going to happen or how the updates that take place work. Its just little tidbits here and there.
I LOVE steemit and will continue to use it regardless but this doesn't hang the fact that Steemit PR and Communications are HORRIBLE.
If Steemit ever wants to be popular they have a lot to fix including this.
Thanks again for doing what they can't do them selfs, though even this post needs a lot more to be adequate to the updates and changes .
Best Regards~*~

Thankf for this info. Learned something new.