Great post @hitmeasap - and extremely long and detailed. I'm implementing much of what you've said, except utilizing the chat rooms. I'll get on that.
One question - Any tips on speeding up the workflow? I get the feeling I'm probably operating at 60% efficiency, and with time at a premium, I'm not writing as much as I could IMO.
up". ;)Just @hitmeasap, not "
Well, I'd say that it depends on what you are doing, and how you do it.
If you are struggling to come up with the "meat" (content), you'll need to find inspiration to enable your "writing-mind". However, if the "issue" is the writing-speed, (the time it takes to actually write), then you'll have to practice which takes tons of effort.
I can totally understand that time might be limited, as most people have a life to live outside of Steemit, and if that's the case, then I'd suggest to keep notes. Just write down things whenever you can and whenever you come up with something so you can easily get started when you have some spare time to write articles.
Oops - Edited your name @hitmeasap ;) Cheers for the feedback. Much appreciated!
I guess it's just getting used to this new "medium" and thrashing it out. My real job actually involves a great deal of writing, so I guess it is just getting used to putting it out on this platform at the same speed.
Good idea on keeping notes! I think I'll use a voice recorder as my commute eats up vast amounts of time most days.
Cheers again.
No worries! :)
And yeah, keeping notes is often a great thing. Perhaps you're like me?
I've never considered myself to be a "blogger" even though I've been writing content for more than a decade. I've been extremely active in internet marketing forums, I've written & published "money making" reports, guides and ebooks. I've been a community discussion manager on a freelancer marketplace and things like that, but I've never considered myself to be a blogger.
In all honesty, a blogger to me, has basically been a person who uploads boring breakfast-photos and talking about makeup on their own blogs. - And often got paid to do it, because they have like a billion kids following them.
But the truth is, that we all are bloggers. Steemit enabled that for all of us. It all depends on what, how and why you decide to do the things you do.
Perhaps you're struggling a bit because you can't come up with what you should write about, because you don't know if it would be good or not on Steemit? - I know I had those issues myself more than a handful of times.
The best advice I can give you, if that's the case... - Just do it!
Do whatever you want, as long as you put in effort and as long as you're trying to produce quality. - Those things will be rewarded at some point.
You hit the nail on the head with my thoughts on blogging prior to Steemit.
Perhaps the word 'blog' has developed a negative connotation in recent years with the makeup and swimsuit idols receiving so much attention.
So thanks for your reply and encouragement to just write about what I like. I'll do that and let the chips fall where they may :)