The new Steemit release candidate, team voting and more.
Steemit RC 0.14.0 and SteemSquad team voting.Stephen Polsky ( @shneakysquirrel ), Renee Nouveau ( @reneenouveau ) and George Donnelly ( @georgedonnelly ) are chatting about
Lots of dissension for you skeptical-cynical types!
Next Episode: @fyrstikken
somebody’s feelings!Next time (episode 11), we’re talking with Viking madman @fyrstikken about Steemit drama, etiquette and other fun stuff. Oh this is gonna hurt
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SteemSquad seems like a thought
Yet functionally is like a bot
Bots vote the same all the time
Low quality high pay is a crime
Voting everything a member may write
Will cause quality to go running in fright
Bot or Person this method is wrong
Why would I deign to join this throng
Brilliant. Love it. Thank you!
Warning this podcast may induce labour in pregnant women!
"Daddy what's savings?" I'm gonna use that one.
Thanks for the line @reneenouveau
HAHAHAA Can't wait. No such thing as too much schadenfreude