Actually, Medium is jam-packed with talented, pro writers and yes I did gain traction there. I have over 1K followers on Medium, which is a lot considering it's a writing/blogging platform. Some of my articles were also featured by the Editor's picks which means a lot since that is coming directly from the Medium staff. The atmosphere there is full of intellectual critiques and it's very challenging. They are still struggling with how to monetize it. They never figured out that piece. In my opinon, Medium needs to marry with Steemit to produce beautiful children. But if the good writers are not rewarded here, then there would be no reason for them to come here. That's where we are at.
I recommend fixing the algorithm to include a social energy layer aspect. So basically that would result in the algorithm using these measurements to calculate rewards:
- STeem power (as it is currently)
plus - Social energy (calculated by total upvotes and human comments).
there has to be more emphasis on human engagement measurements. Most people will downvote bot comments, so only comments with zero or + status would be recognized and added to calculation for reward system.