@greenrun asked me if I had seen the new Steemit logo tonight while were we on Twitter, and I said I hadn't. I quickly went over to Steemit to see it, and presto! there it was on the front page. Change is good, change is growth.
Let me know what you think about the new logo.
After I read the copyright disclaimer about using Steemit's logo, I headed over to Giphy to turn the Steemit design into a moving piece. I was careful not to do anything odd, as I certainly don't want the wrath of Steemit, Inc. on my tail. To be honest, after reading the copyright disclaimer, I was not even sure if I am allowed to create that GIF you see above......copyright is always confusing to me. I'm sure someone will let me know if I cross some blurry line.....
Anyway in other news, I spent the entire day researching @utopian-io. I wrote an article for Hackernoon about it, and so far a few Steemians said they appreciated my straightforward style because they said they now understand how utopian works. Now, I'm just patiently waiting for the Hackernoon editors to approve my article so that it can get in front of 100K eyeballs in that publication.
If you're involved in utopian.io, take a look at my new article and let me know if there are any errors in it.
I'll publish the full article on here once I get approval from the editors and the utopian moderators.
Can't wait to see all the Steemfest posts!
I know, I'm just a mannequin... I don't have teeth... but this logo reminds me of my toothpaste :-o

yes, it does! happy faux brushing.
Big hug
Steemitri The MannequinHey @stellabelle I just did a toothpaste-post about the logo :-)
I like the new logo. It has to be simple so it will be recognised amongst a constellation of "share on ..." icons like the FB, Twitter and LinkedIn icons I see at the ends of posts.
And, Steem, Steemit and SteemInc all need separate identities too.
I have some thoughts on the logo and what it looks like. I'm going to have to play with it in paint and see if I can bring my visions to life...
I'm a fan of most green colors, but this one is a little off.
I know three wavy lines is simple, but this seems too simple... Like they couldn't come up with anything so they traced the water ring around a cup of coffee or something.
I dunno. Maybe it will grow on me.
As to the copyright, I had the same thought with everyone Sharing the logo. I guess by sourcing it you have some backup, but the only sure way to ensure that you are safe would be to refuse payout on the post, and thus this would be non-commercial use.
I kind of doubt they are going to worry to much about seeing everyone who is sharing the logo though. Too much hassle and not enough likely return in it.
Commercial use is fine for journalism. Most newspapers are commercial in nature (they sell the news, and charge for their newspapers).
As long as you're using it under the fair use doctrine.
However, the New York times may not have taken the logo, animated it, and changed its color scheme, while using it for journalistic review.
I'm having flashbacks to the 80's with the seaform green and black combo.....not sure if the green is the right shade...it's hard to see against white...
Looks like a Roman helmet to me
Centurion Apostrophe at your service.
lol Maximus Steemitus
New logo?
...this, I understand.. it does sound like popcorn time, doesn't it? :)
Loved the New logo!!! Not going to Steemfest??
I was advised not to post this Logo on my blog. You could be sued.
I posted a GIF of the logo......are you serious? Is this really the reality?
I wouldn’t worry much about it. Posting a logo for purpose of discussing a logo is absolutely fair use!
Can you imagine if everyone had to get written permission from Facebook to place a graphical Facebook logo link on their site?
I think the clear intent here is to clarify that what we’ve gotten used to with the Steem logo cannot be done with the SteemIT logo... The Steem logo is incorporated into people’s personal signature banners, it’s been turned into cartoon characters, printed on shirts and mugs for sale, etc. That won’t fly with the new Steemit logo, but I’ll have no hesitation placing it on a personal site as a link to my Steemit profile page.
She didn't post the logo as we've seen it branded. She modified the logo by turning it into an animated gif and making it flash.
I don't know if Steemit, Inc. approves with this "version" of the newly created logo (flashing colors)
It might technically be considered fair use. I am not a lawyer. However I will not be using the new logo just to avoid "technical legal issues". :)
Fair enough, I wouldn't criticize anyone for using some caution, but I'm seeing some people posting comments that they're afraid to even use the word Steemit, as if typing "Come check out my Steemit blog" on their Facebook or Twitter profile will get them sued.
Everyone just needs to calm down and relax. I really believe the two main drivers (as with any other site) are not to illegally merchandise the intellectual property, and not to use the property (logo and name) in a way that could confuse someone into thinking your project/blog/site is in any way officially sponsored or endorsed by or is a part of Steemit Inc.
I know, it's gotten quite silly pretty fast. Each time someone replies to me with the steem-t or steem-- way of talking, I explain to them, it is only if you are promoting and marketing your own stuff using the brand name and logo (as if it was your own or you were authorized) does it become a problem.
Prior to this new logo, people were printing steemit and the blue logo on t-shirts, mugs, posters, everywhere. You can't do that with this new green logo.
Steemit is the new Voldemort.
maybe they have some legal issues with the designer...
Deleted.... i made a mistake
who told you to remove it? someone from steemit inc.?
@offgridlife claims I told him repeatedly to remove it.
The only thing that occurred is that he had used the logo and then said he removed it (himself), and replaced it with a Ghostbusters logo.. to which I said.. that wasn't much better because that logo was also copyright by Columbia Pictures.
Deleted .... made a mistakev
The usage of the logo would fall under fair usage and you wouldn't get sued for it. Same circumstances of using any other company logo. Infringing in direct copyright is quite different to using it as a reference in an article.
Well it has been announced and i just made my post via my personal account @oluwoleolaide and stated that it clearly there that it is the Property of Steemit, therefore no Court Case!
Deleted .... incorrectv
Image property of Steemit Inc!@stellabelle just edit and indicate;
I posted over there too. People can use whatever they want. "IF" they learn a different perspective of reality and law. Especially Common Law. Common Law does not recognize intellectual property.
"The general rule of law is, that the noblest of human productions—knowledge, truths ascertained, conceptions, and ideas—become, after voluntary communication to others, as free as the air to common use."
"The law of intellectual property is commonly understood as providing an incentive to authors and inventors to produce works for the benefit of the public by regulating the public's use of such works in order to ensure that authors and inventors are compensated for their efforts"
It's respectable to give credit where credit is due.
I am sure it is going to cause lots of crying.
Tattoos, merch, gifs, signatures, etc etc
All seemingly rendered outdated and/or worthless.
Not good. Wonder how big their sample review audience was? How many people did they run it by?
If there is a HUGE outcry we may see the old logo back in 5 days following Steemfest.
I havent decided yet... I see what the new logo is... But think the old one is more iconical and better!! (Ok...guess I have decided...old is better)
Oh dude the coins!! - 1oz Silver Steem Coin This was the first I found on a quick search... I remember seeing these when I first joind the platform earlier this month
Yeah, the Coin is safe because it wasnt branded STEEMIT.
For steemIT items...I think it is a negative blow.
Yeah words. I'm seeing it. Combing through @intelliguy's post now too. I have mixed feelings. Seems like a strange move? Or was steemit always this way but now disambiguated? haha
I have a hunch that they are distancing themselves from this network because of SMTs.
Because, to be honest, when you research steemit(dot)com, the data shows this place existing as quite buggy and lacking progress. Possibly they no longer want STEEM and STEEMIT(dot)COM seen as one in the same. Which, comes almost automatic.
From a business perspective it makes sense. It is also something to keep an eye on. Will Ned and team be as hands on with steemit still as they push to sell their model of SMT's to the wider internet?
Seen as steemit and STEEM are not linked. They really don't need to make this place so grand in order for STEEM to increase in value. Down the line, steemit will simply be, just another site using the STEEM tokens.
If the next move is a name change for this network.. then that would really be the nail in the coffin. Specially when the recent update puts so much emphasis on the IP of a basic logo. Possibly they are paving the way for control over how much information is spread from those within, to those in the outer.
This might all be speculation, and I don't want anyone to take my word for it. It's just my opinion, but again... some strange behavior coming from management.
People need to question!
I'm just a minnow man, swimmin in a big ol pond
We can leave all that stuff the same because STEEM the currency is that same logo.....it's still STEEM!
awesome i love it
My initial reaction whenever there is change is negative, so I'll have to give it a minute before I know what my real opinion is.
That black and white is a little ying and yangish...
I really love the current sea-blue logo; but, I'm sure I'll adjust if this is it.
Regarding @utopian-io...I happened over there today out of curiosity; and, it seems like a potential alternative should both Steemit and busy start glitching again. I'm glad to say that today the Steemit platform functioned flawlessly.
Thanks for this post!
You have a white hairline on the left on the black portion of the gif.
I knew someone would catch that.
You can't escape eagle eye 😂
It's a easy fix. Reduce document area by one pixel. Should work like a charm.
I was so used to the old one, why did it changed?
well, the Steem currency is still the same...there was always a plan to make Steem distinct from steemit.com
that actually makes sense, was wondering why a new logo was so high on the priority list.
I think you are going to get your ass sued per @intelliguy lol
He scared the CRAP out of me ... so I removed it.
I'm not even a minnow.
He advised me to remove my screenshot of the logo.
Please find one sentence I wrote that said "you need to remove your screenshot". Please go back and read everything again.
I also didn't change anything I wrote, because it is locked in the blockchain. Please stop spreading this misinformation.
Someone was asking me about banners with the old logo, and I suggested they touch up their artwork removing references to "steemit" and just reference "steem"
At no time did I tell you to remove anything.
Recommended i Remove the logo .... the logo i posted was a screenshot of the logo.... my mistake
I searched my entire blog page, and re-read all of the sentences I wrote you. Please copy/paste the words I used when I recommended you remove something.
Sorry my mistakes. .. i thought that was what you were saying in your comment on the Original Steemit post ... my mistake
intelliguy66 · 3 hours ago
The Steemit brand and logo are protected by intellectual property laws, including copyright and other proprietary rights of the United States and foreign countries.
..and it continues:
One may not make unauthorized commercial use of, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies, perform, or publicly display the Steemit logo or brand, except as permitted by the doctrine of fair use or as authorized in writing by us.
So you may need to seek legal advice before using the Steemit logo or brand to be sure that you are indeed using it with the doctrine of fair use.
You could also get permission in writing from Steemit, Inc.
My suggestion is to avoid using the steemit brand or steemit logo completely to avoid possible lawsuits.
....right, at which point did I tell you to remove anything?
(and the steemit brand, is not just a word. A brand includes font, color, and logo, and when it is used in non-fair use cases)
I didn’t know what that was until I read your post.
Hi @stellabelle! I was just ogling the new logo too... I dig it! Looks like a couple of swirling drops haha. It's fun! The whole refresh looks goo IMO. Hadn't heard of @utopian-io. Gonna check it now :)
I will have to edit this later in Steemit, because I cannot get editing to work in Busy..I know that the center tags are not displayed properly....
I miss the old logo /:
But I am in love with the GIF you made me lol!
The word "Beta" is no longer there.
Steemit is real now?
does see it on a Mac.Edited to note that although I am not seeing it on my iPad, @offgridlife
The image color also changed from blue to green.
Change is evolution. I look forward to it.
It did not change from blue to green. The blue logo is still blue and is a logo for Steem (the currency). The green logo is a new logo for the company Steemit Inc. Two completely different logos for 2 entities.
Thank you. I see... two logos!
Not bad, I really like the night mode version for us all nighters. The logo simply looks like a chat bubble, but I think there will be some pushback because people don't like change and a lot of work has been put in by people to create GIF's with the old steemit logo.
Does the new logo come with the <center< attached to it too? haha
Just to clarify: There is no CHANGE. The logo that looks like a chat bubble stylized into an S is the logo for STEEMIT (inc.). They had no logo before and now they do, so that is new. The old STEEM logo is still the blue wiggly lines. It stays the same and has not changed.
There are several changes to the user interface including the night mode which is awesome. But you are right, steemit was just using the steem logo and now has its own, good clarification
I like this green. I'm still waiting for my question to be answered on @steemitblog regarding the use of the logo for tshirt and stuff.
I feel like I’m either looking at a word bubble with a Mohawk or Boo from Super Mario Bros. wearing a USC Trojans costume for Halloween.
All kidding aside, I dig! Nice breath of fresh air around here.
I'm not a huge fan of the logo but I'm going to forgive it because I'm in love with night mode. It's the best looking social media interface. Period.
I liked the other one but I think this will be something to get used to
Personally I don't like the design much. It seems somewhat generic like a chat bubble, and I don't think it would be instantly recognizable if I only saw it once or twice. I love that steemit is working properly finally! I really don't think steemit inc would go after the community making gif's or other fan art. Most copywrite holders allow and sometimes encourage fan art even when they sell it.
Yeah me too.
I became scared because I already shared the logo on facebook lol
Silly me.
I like the fact that people will now be more conscious of the difference between Steemit and Steem.
Steemit is not steem.
I also like the fact that I still get to use my branded shirt because the steem logo remains unchanged
It looks like a drop of LPG
Makes Steemit more friendly, and the Night Toggle Mode is the Topping that nothing can beat!
My dad is a patent attorney and knows all about this. I can ask him for a favor and he'll review it all and let me know if you'd like 😊 If so you can message me the details on what your read about the logo/copyrights and any questions you want me to ask him.
Sure... I hope someone takes you up on this offer. Maybe I will. Have him read my latest blog post written today (Oct 31, 2017) and see if there is anything there that I said that could be perceived to contain malice or gross negligence, or otherwise "in bad faith", and if not, that I guess my blog post is fine just the way it is?
Fresh color 😁😁
day mode seemed to be not pleasing. But not a problem, I used the night mode where I found it pleasing in the eyes :)I like the new version of Steemit @stellabelle. I find it cute. However, the blending of white and green color on
I don't mind it, but I prefer the original. Actually, @fivefiveeleven came up with a really cool logo design not long ago.
As you say however, change is growth! Good to see that Steemit are continuing to modify and improve the platform.
There is a bug in your code
Its weird... What is it? a drop?... I have to get used to it, but im not disliking it....
It means there is no approval for the use of the logo or what? Information about this should be spread to users of steemit and not just one -sided. This gives clarity of information.
The green color is too light, to pastel. It makes it hard to see on the white background. On the nightmode background the white lettering is difficult to read, (for me any ways), I think the black background needs to be a little bit darker.
I guess they do not want any meme's made of the new logo, unless they make them. Seems to me If Steem is the top company, and steemit is a secondary endeavour, then it would be the Primary Logo they would want to protect most. The 3 S squiggles, and not the Trump hair-do head Logo.
I love the color change . Although I must confess that it felt strange and then it occurred to me that it was an upgrade .
I like the blue we had rather than this shade of green. But its fine I guess. Maybe just a seasonal change anyway. We'll see.
new logo looking like sparta helmet ....i like it
I kinda like it, and in the future I'll be able to tell everyone that I've been on steemit long enough to remember the old logo!
it completely changed the logo
hii @stellabelle, wonderfull logo, feeling fresh after seen it.
It totally ruined the aesthetic of my car. :D I have the beta steemit plate.
The beta moniker is also gone.
Edit: only on night mode. Great design....
I think you're using their brand in a way that was not intended.
It could be argued in court (but they may not win) if it was challenged.
On my blog I've gone into great detail that I personally think it's easier to NOT use the new logo in my postings.
Good luck.