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RE: Dealing with bullying on Steemit the PINK way

in #steemit7 years ago

Hi. Albertus de Saad, master commenter here. I was once sitting in on a train when i saw two pigeons fighting over a piece of bread. The one pigeon was bigger than the other. But the smaller pigeon was battle hardened. Needless to say, the smaller pigeon won by wrestling the bigger pigeon to the ground and then sticking its beak into the stomach of the other pigeon. It proceeded to eat the guts of the bigger pigeon. It was truly a horrible thing to witness, and i thought to myself, could all of this have been avoided if only they spoke to each other in their pigeon language. But, pigeons are pretty dumb, so i deduced that any conversation would have just turned into a blood bath. Anyway @hendrix22 and @techslut, dont be a pigeon. You are two very capable human beings who can discuss your issues on a public platform, and by doing so, you will be providing the rest of us with much needed entertainment. I suggest joining my discord channel, where trolling is highly encouraged, and personal attacks are the norm.

Join me on my Discord Channel by clicking on this

The Cult.jpg


That is absolutely an absolutely disgusting story. Thank you! <3

I'm on the channel, ready for some virgin sacrifices! :P

Youre welcome ; )