in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

To that heroine who's unimaginable strength surpasses the power of a loin.

The fairest of them all,

The brightest of them all,

Nne m oma

Who's sweetness is uncomparable

Oh yes I have known her, right from the womb,

 A frail strong being is she

Who's pains seem invisible,

Enduring so she is 

Tell me,

Who can denial the strength of an African woman?

A strong piller of the family,

Yes tell me, if the head can move without the neck,

Nne m oma is always there

With a beautiful heart, ever ready to support.

Right inside the belly I felt it,

The mid-night sobs and endless pains, 

The bitterest warmth tears,

The continuous increase of her so ever fitted belly,

The unceasing urge to throw up.

Oh! they were disgustingly beautiful

But she gave up all that for me.......

No! I refuse this!

Never! Shall I forget these sacrifice

At that very point we were both struggling

We were both hurt

You cried..............I cried...............

You screamed...............I screamed................

Amazing so it is, 

Just at that very point your painful tears stopped so did mine start,

But mine so is for happiness.

I cried but mummy smiled,

Yes she smiled in middle of that broken lines.

But deep inside lies a tear,

A tear she refused to let out

Because of this tremendous love and joy,

She did all that just for me..............

Oh heavens!

Let me make this wish

Just for this moment,

To take these steps back,

Right inside when I lay in the womb,

So might I wipe those tears,

Unceasing pains of nine months.

Then I will install in you an unending laughter,

Painless pregnacy and child birth.

You worth these

Cause you are my mum!

You gave up everything

Just for me.........

For us,

My family ,

And the whole world.

You are great,

You are strong,

You didn't go through these pains once

But six times!!!!!!

You sacrificed a lot 

Just for us..........

You are a virtuous woman.

A complete description of an African woman.

Your immense sacrifice will forever remain in our heart.

We love you ❤❤❤❤❤❤

Thank you for not giving up on us 😇😇😇😇😇😇


Nice one deary, best regards to ur mum

Thanks a lot

I want to tell you the hard truth...But I dunno if you'll be able to handle it.

If you wish to, contact me on via [email protected]

Remember I called it "The Hard Truth", you'll have to be mentally ready to hear it.

Great post!

Thanks dear am glad you passed by