😺 Why Steemit Is A Dream World And How To Keep Your Creative Juices Flowing 😺

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


For many of us, steemit is a place we can come to for freedom, creativity and innovation. The world of steemit has so much to offer! Not only for creators to create, but for readers to read, writers to write and dreamers to dream. For me, steemit inspires me on a daily basis! Not only have I pushed myself to become a better writer and blogger, but my world of creativity has expanded so much that I'm constantly thinking of ways to be more creative. I have many goals and passions to fulfill and steemit seems to be the perfect place to go after them! NOW HOW DO WE CONTINUE TO BE CREATIVE?!?!


Being Creative is a gift. I believe everyone is creative in their own way, but there are different levels of creativity. The sky is the limit and theres no telling what will come next 😊

"Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way"          - Edward De Bono

Whether you are someone who has yet to find your niche or you are someone with total creativity and drive for a particular subject matter, their is a place for you here on steemit. This I am sure of. With over 350,000+ members on steemit, surely you will find your area of Friends, Supporters, Acquaintances, Artists, Bloggers, Vloggers, Curators, Witness's, etc.. Quite frankly that list goes on and on. Within my first 41 days on steemit, I've met some of the most creative and intelligent people the world has to offer. This is my OPINION and You do know what they say about opinions... Do you know what they say about ideas?


Idea - any conception existing in the mind as a result of mental understanding, awareness, or activity. 

Now where and how are these ideas formulated? I believe their are multiple ways of getting to an idea but i'll talk about a few that I'm personally familiar with. Theirs the whole "wake up in the middle of the night with an idea so profound you must take action immediately". Then theirs the "sit down with a pen and paper and force yourself to produce something for hours without fail". Sure some might be inspired from something they witness in person or read, etc.. These are just a few examples. As long as the world continues to revolve around the sun, then these ideas will continue to flow from billions of people all over the earth. You will be a part of these ideas whether you think so or not. How loose are you willing to get? How many risks are you willing to take? How far are you willing to fall? How deep are you willing to dig?

These are some of the questions we need to ask ourselves

Lets talk a little bit about Right Brain Vs. Left Brain. Im sure some of you are familiar with the topic but it's good to refresh this topic and think about it once in a while. Sometimes its fun to classify our brains scientifically..Other times, not so much! Do you know which side of the brain your prone to? 


The Right Brain

According to the left-brain, right-brain dominance theory, the right side of the brain is best at expressive and creative tasks. Some of the abilities popularly associated with the right side of the brain include: 

  • Recognizing faces
  • Expressing Emotions
  • Music
  • Reading Emotions
  • Color
  • Images
  • Intuition 
  • Creativity 

The Left Brain

The left-side of the brain is considered to be adept at tasks that involve logic, language, and analytical thinking. The left-brain is described as being better at:

  • Language 
  • Logic
  • Critical Thinking
  • Numbers
  • Reasoning

Now for me personally, Im totally a right brain type of guy. How do I know this? Hmm...  Im a musician who can't focus on anything besides what I find interesting, I'm overly sensitive, and I have bizarre creative tendencies. Which one are you? Please feel free to comment below with which side you are prone to and why! I love to connect with you fine folks and I believe this is a fun social experiment. 

Time to get into the good stuff! Below this, I'm going to write a list of 3 things that help me become more creative. Instead of writing a giant list of shenanigans, I'll write the 3 main things that help me! All of the things I list are tools I use to help me in my creative journey so I hope they will help you too! 

  1. Physical Activity     


This doesn't mean you need to be a triathlete lol. All this means is get outside and take a walk. Get your blood flowing! Maybe go on a bike ride with some nice scenery around, put on some good music and let your mind run wild without looking at your phone for a while. Pause the brainstorming and move your body! If you can go on a hike or into the wilderness thats surely a good way to let your thoughts take over and by the end of it, you will have some good ideas! Trust me.


       2. Put On A Funny Movie                                                                                                   

  This may sound silly at first but if you don't believe me, try it. Some of my most comedic and brilliant ideas have formed in the midst of watching ridiculous movies. Your sure to find abstract and funny meaning while watching but whats cool about it comes later on. A lot of ideas are derived from things we've seen, read or watched. So let your mind take over after you get blasted with ridiculous humor and see what happens in the next few days :) You may be pleasantly surprised. 

           3. Utilize The Right Environment


 Im not sure where you choose to take on your creative journeys, but this is an important piece to consider. If your use to blogging or working out of your home, try switching up your environment a bit. For me I tend to be more creative when I go to a coffee or tea shop to do my blogging. I find it nice to be in a different environment. Especially seeing people in my peripheral vision in the hustle of the real world while I'm secretly blogging or creating something magical for the crypto world hehe. Theres something somewhat satisfying to me about it and it seems to work for me. Give it a chance sometime and let me know what you think !

Ok my fellow steemers ! Ive just about used all my brain capacity for one day so I think its time to say goodbye for now :) I hope you got a lot out of my article today and if you found it helpful in any way please feel free to Upvote, Re-Steem, and most of all please comment below! Pop in to show some face and let me know what side of the brain you are ! Have an amazing day and make sure to STEEM ON!  

- @stevenalexander

- @stevenalexander

- @stevenalexander


The modern-day writers block... Thank you for the thought provoking article :)

and left brain

woo hoo! first comment:) take my full up vote on it! wow left brain huh? interesting stuff.. most people in my circle are typically right brained but thats awesome man.

"CircleS" have 'sides' ?? - )))))))))))
ha ha - ))

GreaT POST St'eveN !! - ))
Truth-FULLY .. i'm a left bRAIN, who exPRESSes from the right Br.A.iN -))
(( for lack of better adjectives and metaphors !! -))))

i find that many of my friends are typically 'right brain' individuals, who are absently .. 'left brain' focused .. (ie) .. all the 'challenges' ( mis-labeled "problems" -(( .. they face, come from the 'left brain' FEARS .. which takes up ... 'right brain' TIME !!! !!! ... = a 'bummer' -((

Well .. no stopping for the barKING DogS - ))))))))

lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )

Look at you showing off your brilliance! Awesome post!

Lol. Couldn't agree more, Kubby.

I'd say I lean to the left.

wordddd! wow so far mostly left in here lol .. where all my artistic weirdos at haha

Really @choogirl, I guess with a PHd you would think you are more left brain, but I see a lot of creativity in you too. Especially with your writing!

Haha thankyou !!! So what are you right or left ??

That is a tough question. I am a little but of both. can I pink right down the middle?

The Right Brain

Recognizing faces- Yes
Expressing Emotions-YEs
Reading Emotions-Sometimes
Intuition -YESS
Creativity - Not always

The Left Brain
Language -YEs, oi!
Logic- Yep
Critical Thinking- ehhh, sure!
Numbers- Sometimes
Reasoning- Most of the times.

There are more yes on the right brain, so there you go. lol

I'm not such a fan of "right brain / left brain" way of describing it, but I do think you've got a lot of great tips here for staying creative. :)

Well listen man your honesty is most important to me and I appreciate that more then anything ! I'm glad you liked the creativity part :) hopefully you enjoyed the giphs haha I put some serious time into