I would like to see reputation score playing a greater part in rewards and influence on the platform...
This would give new users at least one thing to focus on in terms of growing in influence...As the platform can be a minefield for understanding exactly where rewards are coming from.
I constantly see people who have been here for 3-6 months posting things that are untrue or saying that they had it all wrong and are just learning how things work correctly.
If as I stated reputation played a greater part, everyone would build a stronger foundation for their time here...
which would make for a stronger community for all of us.
Images courtesy of the AWESOMETASTICAL Pixabay.
Reputation needs to be fixed before it can play a bigger part. It is far too easy to game in either direction to be used for anything serious.
Theres a certain moody feline who could attest to that for sure.
And I did foresee that as a potential comeback, however, the same could be said for gaming curation and authoring rewards, which was almost my first suggestion...
I think the decentralised Utopia that many of us, perhaps, naively envisioned isn't quite a reality at the current stage of its evolution, but BETA is still with us, and I think we will get closer to where we need to be in good time...
...and considering the Orwellian alternatives of Fakebook and MeTube we are still a part of a far greater future!