
In my experience, the first three years is porn, the second three years is porn with bitching, and the last three years is mostly bitching. With a big horrible extraction of time, material goods, and money at the end. Then you marry someone else.


Was it Heinlein that set up the scifi story in which marriages were 3 year contracts?

Pretty sure it was. "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" might have been his earliest use of it. But that's just how it worked out for me. Five marriages in, I'm pretty much an expert.

you've been married 5 times?????? Hilarious! I never bothered with it since I tend to get tired of men after 9 months! When the thrill is gone, I tend to vanish. I'm a perpetual teen in my mind...

I like marriage, I believe it keeps women who want to get married happy for a little while longer.

I stayed married for a long time when my son was born (almost 18 years) but my average is much lower than that. I am not an easy man to live with, and I choose strong willed women. The clashes are passionate! Great fun in retrospect, hard to survive at the time.

I usually grew to find my spouses and partners more interesting as I went along, but also more annoying. I would marry 3 of the 5 again, if I were assured it would only be for the first part.

That's what the internet is for!

lol but if you're already paying for the wife, the fun stuff needs to be a mandatory inclusion ;>