you ought to post that; I don't think we should copy/paste/spam to his inbox, but it might be nice to see a different approach.
I don't think a flood of emails asking him to look at steemit would be bad...unless they were all the same letter over and over ;>
Too late for me to post it. But no worries; it wasn't flashy. :)
But now that you've brought up the subject: it's be great if @dollarvigilante also contacted him via open letter. Jeff Berwick's been a master at working Steemit as a micro-business.
Hopefully, they'll see this ping.
I've always been hesitant about dropping my links on other's blogs; just seems a bit spammy. there's a couple of people I do it on rarely, but I'm long term commenter on their blogs, too. So I does hope he sees the ping!
I hardly do so myself. Must be a Canadian thing. ;)
Well-played; sir; well-played.
And you have Justin Trudeau as a punishment! (That was cruel). I can't criticize too harshly a culture who gave us Hockey!!! Check today's post- I spent an hour answering comments!
I did and left a comment of my own.
One sign of a popular post: you find yourself devoting a lot of time to answering comments on it. The price of popularity :)
totally uncalled for, Rich...I charge you a meanie demerit ;>